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Everything posted by BearBarry1

  1. Orca silcone, get it at the lfs. Works underwater and will stop a leak in a tank or sump. If you can find the leak. Good Luck
  2. Thanks for the offer but no I will go with a regular 10 gallon tank because I dug out one from my old fish room. At one point I had 5 10gal, 5 15gal and a 33gal. Gave all but 1 10 and 1 15. Not going to go with the co2 in this one but I think I still will go with the LED's because of the luck I am having in my 72 with them. Might try and split some of my Hemianthus callitrichoides for the shrimp tank and see if I can get it to grow without co2.
  3. Not as high tech as my main tank but yes I would also want some plants. Don't understand why plants would clog an undergravel filter. Have 3 inches of gravel in my main tank with an undergravel filter and can grow just about anything I have tried. I can look under my tank at the bottom of the filter and see some hair roots mooving in the currant. With the mass of bio mass an undergravel filter provides and the chance of getting dead spots in the gravel of non undergravel filtered tanks, I don't see why you wouldn't want an undergravel filter short of wanting sand as a substrate. So I guess I will just have to get some regular aquarium gravel although I still have some flourite black I could use just thought the "black magic" be cheaper.
  4. Ok Nanmer I've decided to take the plunge and start a shrimp tank. Going to use a 10 gal with an undergravel filter. Do you think the black magic will be ok for the under gravel or will it be too small? Barry
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