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Posts posted by SomethingIsFishy

  1. Once my 45-P cycles and I transfer the Celestial Pearl Danios then I will play with the lighting on the 60-P. When it's all settled then I'll be looking for a betta. Cabomba is the one plant I can't grow. I might try it again in a low tech environment. Right now I have tiger lotus, crypts, Hydrocotyle cf. tripartita, Ludwigia, and staurogene (that I'll probably lose).


  2. I'm using a shorter light period on these low tech tanks mainly to avoid algae. I'm using Finnex 24/7 LEDs on my other two ADA 75-P with CO2. Its quite nice to view the tanks when I want. When I used Fluval LEDs I could hear the fish splashing when it was lights out. I think in going to try the myriophillum - it sounds like a nice background plant for my bigger tanks.

  3. So I've had several male bettas and they haven't been lasting very long. The longest I was able to keep a betta (from the Market Mall pet store) was about 1-1/2 years max. That tank was low tech. My other bettas all lived in 5 or 10 gallon planted tanks with pressurized CO2 and had short lives. These bettas were the fancy ones and the common type. At first I thought maybe breeding and genetics played into it. Now I'm wondering if it was because of the CO2. Any suggestions?

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