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  1. we are converting our 5' 120 gal tank from discus to cichlids. I'm new to s/a cichlids, so I'm wondering what everyone would recommend for stocking the tank? I plan to use a sand substrate with some driftwood and rock. looking to have a few different species if possible with some nice color for my kids to enjoy.
  2. beautiful discus. when i decide to upgrade my tank, i will be coming to you for discus.
  3. my wife and i have been looking at some of the cleair aquariums at pisces for our basement. we are looking at one with a sump filter. does anyone have any experience with these? doesn't seem to be much online for reviews.
  4. hailstorm

    Glaas Tops

    i have a bunch of glass tops with hinges just taking up room.
  5. hailstorm


    Haven't picked out a tank yet. Going to have something by this weekend. Some between 50-90 gal and hopefully a corner bow front
  6. hailstorm


    Hi everyone. been out of the hobby for a while but my wife and I have decided to start up a tank again. Thinking fresh water and something colorful for the kids. Any suggestions on fish for a planted tank? Thx
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