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Everything posted by Devon

  1. Not at all....completely legal in Canada so long as the animals are dispatched in a humane manner. But they do not apparently recognise that people have animals that need to eat rodents and lagomorphs. Actually, in the near future the company plans to stock frozen rodents. Also, we do not sell any animals that require rodents. I am really tired of people addressing their concerns with Petsmart to me. I am just a specialty employee. If you want Petsmart to carry feeder rodents, then email the head office. In Petsmarts official statement, though, it says something along the lines of "Petsmart recognizes that many people have animals requiring feeder rodents. Here at Petsmart our small animals are sold for pets and we do not sell animals requiring rodent prey. We ask that you please buy feeder rodents elsewhere. Thank you for understanding"
  2. Nope...a bullfrog is a bullfrog in F&W's view....fortunately for Neoprodigy, he lives in the USA. As far as not telling F&W until Friday, it could be moot, as I know of at least two officers that frequent this and other forums. Hm well, I'll take my chances, they would have to be a real ***hole if they acted on it knowing that I realized my mistake and am acting on it, by sending him somewhere where he is legal.
  3. How much do blue dempseys usually go for?
  4. Where do you live? I've recently found out that bullfrogs are illegal in alberta.
  5. Is that not a double-standard, though? You must have very different snakes than any I have encountered....in 34 years of keeping thousands of snakes, I have yet to see one 'rip apart' any feeder of any type, live or dead....snakes eat their food whole. Um, yes, I know. I was saying that the euthanasia of feeder rodents and rabbits is a lot different then two bettas ripping eachother apart. And yes, it is a double standard. But there is always going to be a double standard. I mean, people eat pigs and cows and the majority of people don't have a problem with this. On the other hand, the same majority would most likely be against the slaughter of cats and dogs. Eating pigs and cows isnt' illegal, but I'm pretty sure eating a dog and cat would be considered animal abuse. There's no difference between these animals aside from our emotional view of them, and our attachment to their species. Petsmart recognizes that people have animals that need to eat fish, but lets limit them to a few species. The only reason for somebody to be killing a fish bought from Petsmart is to feed it to another animal. There are a select few that you can use as feeders, only because these are what produce easily and can be sold cheap and are the generally accepted species. If we started selling feeder bettas, Im sure we would get more then a few complaints, just as if you started up a farm of dogs and cats for slaughter.
  6. Personally, I take all of those things into consideration when I'm selling fish. When I sell feeders, I ask what size the animal they're feeding is, and if the animal is obviously to small to take that feeder in one bite, I strongly urge the customer to go with the next size down. Although I understand cultural differences, I as a Petsmart employee have the right to uphold Petsmarts moral and ethical standards no matter if that person's culture disagrees. I do not condone fighting bettas, obviously, and I have had two different situations like this. One group was buying a large number of bettas, and whenver this happens I get suspicious and ask if they are to be in the same tank. One of the people laughed and said, they would meet eachother eventually. I asked him if they were to be fighting on them, and he said that yes, they were going to have a party and fight them and bet on them. I told him that It was company policy not to sell animals to a customer if they are going to be putting it into a inhumane situation, nor were we allowed to sell animals to be eaten by other animals unless they are feeder golds, rosie reds, ghostshrimp, or zebra danios. As for comparing it to feeding mice or gerbils to snakes, there is no comparison. I disagree with feeding live rodents to snakes, I always kill my mice beforehand, in one quick strike to the head...much different then being ripped apart. The rabbits and rats are euthanized with C02, again much different then being ripped to peices.
  7. Heh, he's cool. He looks like a fancier version of the tilapia they sell at superstore. haha. But he's a flowerhorn hybrid? Reguardless, he does look nice. I had someone come in the other day to see if they could house a flowerhorn with their Oscar and sliverdollars. I said they could...if they didn't want the oscar or silver dollars anymore. Haha. :P
  8. Are jack dempseys not really aggresive? I thought they would have killed fish like discus and rams.
  9. I know! This thread is so offensive! hahaha. I love my goldfish, I think they're gorgeous. And although It took me awhile, I LOVE my blood parrots. They are all rescues (three from the southside A&B Sound) and they all have a lot of personality, they're bright, and nobody but cichlid fanatics have ever seen them and called them ugly. Plus, seriously, don't put it in such a big font THEY'RE RIGHT BEHIND ME. You're going to give them self-esteem issues. :cry: Edit to say: WOW. I REALLY want one of those toadfish!
  10. What about us unfortunate Edmontonians? Everything good is in Calgary!
  11. I know a lot of people in the ERAS (Edmonton reptile and amphibian society) get glass cut at Crystal Glass for the tops of their rubbermaid containers, to use at the shows as display tanks. They told me that Crystal Glass is pretty cheap, especially for smaller tanks because they can use recycled peices. But, seeing as you're covering an 180 gallon, it would likely be a little more...
  12. How many outlets does this have? The powerbars at petsmart are 20-30 dollars depending on the one you get. I like the digital coralife ones.
  13. I have had the same problem with my Hydor heater. I've returned it twice to Big Als. They won't give me a new brand though, they say that they Hydors are perfect, I'm just having bad luck....
  14. Petsmart has a variety of different powerbars with timers, some of them are digital as well.
  15. Breathing exerscises? Tell her to push! hehe, just kidding. My zebra danios spawned without me even knowing it, when they were living in my newt tank. I didn't seperate the female from the males. Maybe your female is stressed out because she's alone and there's nobody to school with?
  16. I am just wondering if my 6 Congo Tetras would be okay in my 80 gallon tank. They are ranging from 1-3 inchs long at the moment. This is what my 80 gallon is stocked with ATM: - 4 Blood Parrot cichlids -1 firemouth cichlid -1 maroon shark -2 pictus catfish -2 eclipse catfish (both rescues, both for sale) -2 opaline gouramis -3 australian rainbows -2 peacock eel -2 synodontis -3 silver dollars -5 otocinclus -1black knife fish, 4 inches (yes I know they get big, yes I plan to get a bigger tank...how could I not? Perfect excuse!)
  17. That may be so, but it will significantly shorten his lifespan, and I will be that he was in brackish water until PM got him, and probably at 10"-11" at that. Oh I know, I was just stating what water type Petsmart uses. I'm not saying that they grew him to that size in that water. But, Delta Aquatics Nursery says they're freshwater on the order form...although, I assume these guys are wildcaught?
  18. The petsmart on 137ave and 139street keeps them in freshwater....there's one that is atleast 11 inches. He's a monster.
  19. Not only do you require a fence, but a latching gate. This is to help prevent accidental drownings of small children (which do happen ever year in ponds and swimming pools in unrestricted yards)...and to protect you against some multi-million dollar wrongful death suit (or criminal negligence charge) should something like that occur. Our yard is fenced and protected by two viscious (not!) dogs, I'd be wondering what a little kid was doing in our yard in the first place. I really don't think we've ever had a kid back there, haha, I try to distance myself from people under 12 years old. I suck with kids. :P
  20. I bought some more goldfish today...and got another filter, to handle all of these goldfish. hahaha. I got a big gorgeous calico oranda, a red lionhead, a chocolate oranda and a big red and white ryukin.
  21. My blood parrots get gray on them when they're stressed, as do the red devils and midas cichlids at work. Could that be it?
  22. Heh, really? Why? Do most people follow this rule? I've seen a lot of ponds deeper then 18 inches without fencing. Would 18 inches be deep enough though?
  23. Petsmart is selling South American Dragon Fish (which is what they call them) or, Violet Goby's. They are awesome, they are so ugly that they're cute. I have had one for a few months in my 80 gallon tank, but all of the information I find online contradicts itself. It's just in a freshwater tank with a tablespoon of aquariumsalt for every five gallons. I have read that they do better in brackish conditions, but have also read that they're fine in fresh. I've read that they can live in unheated water, and then I've read the opposite. Can somebody with more experience tell me what they think? thanks!
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