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Everything posted by lilwolfe

  1. I have a fluval 305 on that tank. It's good for up to 100 g. I've never had problems with my water quality in the past. I do my regular water changes....and have never had a problem.
  2. ya, the survivors are looking a little happier in the 10 g right now. It must be something that got into the water in that tank. Ya I'm glad the 35 g was only a 35g and not the 90 g that I wanted to buy. Here is the link to that unfortunate day: 35g tank on my living room floor. The nice part about all this (cause I guess you have to try and look at the bright side) is that I get to redesign my tank and start with an empty canvas. I'm thinking I might get some (10 or so) neons to put in there. something that schools. Or I may not. I'm not sure. I would love to get more keyhole cichlids, but being as I don't make it to calgary very often they are harder to come by.
  3. that is true. it's just frustrating. last year I lose my entire 35 gallon tank to my living room floor at 5 am. and this year I lose my fish. <AGGGGG!!!!!> But I will start up the 29g again. I love my fish that have survived dearly, I just want this crap to end. I need to re evaluate my Betta habitats before I take on any more bettas. At least my husband is understanding, and pretty much giving me free reign of my debit card to buy new gravel and stuff for this tank. I don't know how he puts up with it. Baby birds, baby fish....more fish. <shrugs> well I'll keep you updated.
  4. Don't know if this should go here or in Fish Emergencies. Well yesterday I went through pulling out 6 more dead fish. I have no clue what's getting them so fast. It's like my 29g tank is crashing, and no matter how many water changes or anything else I do....they keep going on to fishy heaven. I pulled out another 7 fish today. I finally have caught up all the honey gourami fry in my ten gallon and put them in a breeder net and attached filters to the back of the tank....and put any of the strong looking survivors from the 29 g (which include 1 keyhole cichlid, 1 HRP, 3 panda cory, 1 spotted cory, 3 honey gourami, two emporer tetra, 1 synadontis, 1 long fin goby, 3 otocinclus and 1 clown pleco). There is still one spotted cory that is eluding me in the 29, as well as my common pleco. I know the ten gallon is overstocked....but with water changes I'm hoping that the survivors will hold on until I can tear down and start the 29 g over from scratch. I have no idea if something got into the water that shouldn't be there, though I doubt it being as anybody who has been to my place lately knows not to mess with my tanks. I've pretty much decided, to start the 29 g over again.....which means getting rid of everything in it (the gravel, and any plants that aren't doing well at all), I'm going to boil the drift wood and rocks.....and sterilize the tank the best i can. As for the filter, I'll be getting rid of all the media inside of it, and starting from scratch. I'll be purchasing new substrate, and was wondering what people suggest for a good substrate (gravel or sand?). I'm also deciding if I want to get more fish in the future (after the tank has cycled) or if I won't. Just to think it's almost been a full year since my 35g tank disaster last year. looks like September is a bad fish month for me. :boom: Any ideas, help, sanity.....would be appreciated.
  5. ya. at this point I may not restock the 29 g. I might just stick to bettas for now. and my honey gourami fry. we'll see though.
  6. I have honey gourami fry. sorry it took so long to reply....i kindof haven't been on the computer lately. The fry are doing well. As for my 29 g though, <shakes head> it's crashing. i am down to a handful of honey gourami....one very sick honduran red point. My clown pleco and common pleco, one emporer tetra and three panda cory, and two spotted cory. I also have a couple otos in there too, and one long fin goby. He seems okay. I'm thinking I might just start from scratch. The bettas are doing okay, but neither male seems interested in my female. oh well.
  7. awesome looking fish! your EBJD looks better and better everytime I see him.
  8. well i won't be installing anything in my walls, being as I live in an apartment....and I'm sure I've passed my pet type and capacity by now. lol. I've moved My betta (5 gal) tank to a wooden stand next to my fridge....off the counter where my husband was like " I don't want fish on the cupboard unless I'm eating it." I have a cloth hiding all the crap i've stored on the bottom shelf, including a 10 g tank I've divided into three slots. Probably won't use it, but at the same time keeping it around "just in case". I'll post a pic or two of the set up. I like where I have it cause I can see it from my kitchen and my living room. As for My other two tanks, I'm going to hunt out all the fry in my 10 g, and put them in something, while I completely clean out their tank. I don't want them to get those camallanus worms ..... so, I'll do that tank first, then when I think I have an entire weekend to myself, I'll tackle the 29g.
  9. It sounds like an awesome idea. I'm hoping to get rid of my kitchen table, (we never ever use it), and I may put a shelving unit there and put my bettas on that. I still need to get my hands on some mini heaters though. All the ones I have are too big or powerful for 5 g or 2.5 g.
  10. I like Arthur. So it's Arthur, and now I need to find him a Marian. I need to set up a shelf for my bettas. I might just take down my ten gallon, and put them on that stand. There's another really beautiful male at petland that I want to get, but I'm gonna wait and see what else I can find first. What are people's betta setups like. I live in an apartment, so I can't do anything big, but I need to figure out something easy to use, and inexpensive to setup.
  11. Here is my new betta. I like how his fins go from red to black. with hint of irid. blue here and there. He needs a name by the way. He's a little stressed right now, but he's usually more red and black.
  12. Where can one find this Levasimole hydrochloride? I'm in red deer, and don't get out of town much. I'm currently using the panacur I have on hand. I might see about talking to someone I know who might be able to get me more. We'll see. Regardless, I'm going to remove the gravel from my tank and get rid of it. Gives them one last place to hide. The food sounds like an idea, but I have no idea where to find it here in red deer. I'll have to look around tomorrow.
  13. well i did lose three apisto to it and put down one emporer tetra. so far I've gotten the female betta and most of the 29 g to eat some panacur medicated blood worms. I will be doing another treatment when I get home today, as well as two more treatments tomorrow. I'm just hoping out of all the fish I have that my male betta survives, the black ones are harder to find. especially for the price I got him for. I think I might talk to my vet one of these days, to see if she can get me some more panacur. If so, I'll let you know, and send some your way. Right now both bettas are housed in seperate jars....just in case the female doesn't have it yet. I don't want her getting it if she doesn't. I think I'm going to do the three more treatments, then I'm gonna do a complete overhaul of the tank. Which will include sterilizing it. I'd rather deal with ick and stressed fish than this stupid worm. Once I know for sure that the fish are okay, I'll put in new gravel....but the old stuff has got to go. I'm sick of it anyways. YAY!!!...<sarcastically of course> Should be a fun process. Definately a learning experience.
  14. I am pretty sure she isn't the one who gave it to my tanks. from the looks of it, I've had it for a while. I'm thinking of doing a complete overhaul and quarantine of the affected fish....I planned on redoing my tank anyways..lol. atleast there is a bright side to all this. I do have some of both the liquid and powdered forms of panacur. I'm just unsure of the concentration levels needed for treatment. If it makes you feel better I'm pretty sure the female you gave me is not infected.
  15. i've taken a closer look at my tanks, and now see that my tank is affected as well. I only notice the parasite in my apistos, my one keyhole, a couple of my honey gourami, my emporer tetras and that's it. I do not see any signs of it in my corys, yoyo loach, long fin goby, both plecos, L. curviceps, F1 green sevrum, my synadontis or my HRP. All fish have been in that tank for the same amount of time, so why are only some of them affected? I also look at Lancelot my male betta, and see that he has it as well. I don't even know where to begin trying to treat this.
  16. well fenbendazole is in Panacure. Which I do believe is a de wormer for cattle. or other big farm animals.
  17. that's too bad that you missed her.
  18. I was trying to think of that particular name, but it kept totally escaping my brain. Thanks for figuring it out for me. Ya I was wondering what people used to seperate the fry when they got older and started being agressive. Mason jars sound good. That shouldn't be a problem to get ahold of some. Now I just need to re-organize my space so that things will fit better.
  19. that's so true. It's kinda like christmas....you open the box, and hopefully it's something nice and fun. Now I just have to figure out (for when and if there are resulting fry), what I can get for cheap to divide all the bettas into. any suggestions on where to look or go?
  20. Here are some more pics. I guess I should think of a name for the female. What would go good with Lancelot?
  21. good to know. Lance is starting to make a bubble nest. and underneath the cup....my last betta would always build it anywhere other than the cup. I've started a second culture of micro worms. So far so good. I lowered the water level a bit in the tank so that it would be a little harder for her to jump into his side. What would be your guesses as to tail type of the offspring of these two?
  22. they are divided now. they were before....but well the whole feeding thing...and she jumped in with him. He chased her a bit, but I think he's kinda ADD....cause she'd hide and he would jut swim and then hang out in his favorite corner. She would come out and he would ignore her....then he would remember she was there. It took a few minutes to get her back into the chimney, but from what I observed....she's faster and smarter than Lance.
  23. Ellie, he's very cute! Makes me wish I could have one. Too bad my apartment doesn't allow reptiles. guess it's just fish and finches for me.
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