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Everything posted by Steffan

  1. Awesome! That's great news for me! Less to worry about is good!
  2. At this time it's a pair of Blue Rams, and then a breeding group of Geophageus red head tapajos. You don't add any minerals back into your RO? Just straight 100%? I've got my RO unit arriving today, and I did not add on the DI canister going that it'd leave some minerals behind, so if that works that will be far simpler than trying to find an RO/Tap water mix! I know the Rams want soft water, but what about the Geo's?
  3. Hi everyone, I'm considering a Reverse Osmosis unit to soften the water in my 55 gallon South American tank in order to encourage my dwarf cichlids to breed. I've never messed with my water chemistry before, so I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on maintaining a stable ph in a very soft system. Thanks, Steffan
  4. Currently just tiny ones! I have 4 Apistogramma Agassizii, one male and 3 females, and a very young pair of blue Rams.
  5. That's awesome! I'll check him out when I've posted enough to have access to the classifieds!
  6. Hi there, Just doing a little introduction! I'm very new to the hobby, just got cut by the aquarium big about a month ago and have so far started cycling and planning a 75 gallon and 55 gallon tank. The 75 will be a home for Barbs and Crayfish, while I plan to do the 55 with Angelfish, an Apisto pair and a pair of Blue Rams. I'm based in Calgary and am loving learning about this hobby.
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