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Everything posted by Raven

  1. wow nice pices, what camera did you use?
  2. don't know what to tell you.... males shimmering say breeding to me but video or pics would be cool to see. i don't get to see oscars much.
  3. Also will all types of killifish fit in a10G or only certain species ? i'm trying to find out what i can or can't get.
  4. dude you soo need to go to ERAS's site and post these. lol. http://www.edmontonreptiles.com/forum/index.php everyone there will love you. Hey these guys have different colours from other oics i've seen. wonder why?
  5. Ok so bettas are out so are guppies. I'd like to keep males with females so aggression rules out bettas and to many babies rule out guppies. I'll need more info on the fish. Diet, temp, conditions etc. So there's aspos killifish and some thing I can't remember.
  6. Seems promising. I so need more info >.<
  7. Or I'll go with aspos (sp) or killifish. I can't decide. Which like plants more? Which will like a pleco? I so need better searching abilities.
  8. Will have to wait till the snake out grows the tank. For now I'm just doing the research. Which reminds me of another thing. I read that they can be kept in hard hard, then some where else in soft. Which one is it?
  9. Did a more specific search. They are mostly red? Some called tripple or double red then there was a half orange. Saw some that were purple but I'm not sure they were the same. Could you explain the differences please?
  10. That sounds like fun. Did some reading. Would they breed in there? Not a bad idea... ' Babe the fish is going to have babies we need another tank ' hehe. From what i've seen there mostly yellow... Yellow is over rated :P
  11. I have no idea what that is >.> could you explain a little?
  12. Scatt? As in poop? Never really had that problem with spike. The bn pleco I used to have. Green sea horse, if you still have her could I get her back?lol. Considering its been 3 years I wonder if ages still alive. I've never liked other clean up crew guys.never had much luck with cories, plus I think their ugly. Otos are cute but they died on me as well. Dwarf bn pleco was the only one to last. But if it won't work I could try otos again. Bettas were mention. I had them before. They where my starter fish. And where also the first fish I bread. With java fern and moss would I be able to have a male and 2 or 3 females?
  13. It will defanetly be planted. With good old reliably java fern. Hopefully they'll be some nice cheap ones in the fall. I miss dwarf plecos. Would one be ok in a 10 as clean up crew? Oh and a side note. I've seen java fern used in vivariums... Are the non aquatic then?
  14. Umm if the fish are staying in one spot and are shimmering, then it sounds like they are trying to breed. Or are practicing or are doing the dance before and actual act.at least that's what I remember the cichlids doing.
  15. Read that too. They come from flood plains and the like. Which ones are not the annuals? I want to try and get the most colorful ones cause they are gorgeous!
  16. Read that too. They come from flood plains and the like. Which ones are not the annuals? I want to try and get the most colorful ones cause they are gorgeous!
  17. Just did some looking up on the killifish, cories and gobies. Don't really like cories. I remember had ghost or albino cories before they just died on me. I really like the killifish. And I would love a dwarf pleco again. And the gobies look cool. Read that if you put in a few female guppies that they'd find their own food. Does that mean that they eat the fry? How many could you fit in one tank?
  18. Awsome I had no ifar I could do so much. Do I need special setups for any of them?
  19. I'm looking for a dwarf bn pleco. Just like Spike that i had 2+ years ago. I gave her to greenseahorse, i believe. But if i could find out who has more that be great!
  20. is it possible to make a 10g into a community tank?if so any ideas? i'm planning months in advance.
  21. Once i get my snake it'll be in the 10g. But come time for the fall auction look out! I am so going to get back into fish. All i need for this to happen is a new tank for the snake, and maybe Greg too. then all new equipment, ok not new, but new to me, haha. Oh, and this figuring out what to put in the tank. I miss cichlids but im pretty sure the only things you could put in a 10 is dwarfs which is a catagory im not familiar with. sooo, i need help.
  22. Ahh, ok. The readers digest version is much easier to understand, :thumbs:
  23. pjs pet centres sells cylicone too. i was surprised i saw it when i was cleaning the shelves.
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