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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. You were very lucky in two aspects: 1) FedEx almost never accepts live fish; 2) I know about 30 people in Calgary that have had fish couriered up from the US, and not one has managed to have a single box come in at under $120.
  2. Not too much, but it will not be cheap, especially on a per-fish basis if you are ordering less than $600+ in fish.
  3. Toirtis


    That would be the wholesale livestock supply place in the NE off 19th St. The company itself (as an entity) is potentially worth it, as they supply a lot of livestock to a lot of stores throughout Alberta....one assumes the existing accounts would be attached. The actual fixtures would be worth perhaps $20k-$30k, I should think.
  4. Toirtis


    About $200K, but that buys only the company name and the tanks...the building is another cool million or so.
  5. Toirtis


    Highly unlikely...points from one defunct franchise are not likely to be honoured by a different franchisee. Brian and Nancy own the Edmonton Big Al's already...they are, I daresay, already fish people.
  6. Cascade 700 canister all the way....especially if you are going planted with CO2.
  7. Bingo...mebbe shake the bag vigorously every 30 minutes.
  8. Pretty close to a must, especially if you want to avoid algae issue while getting optimal plant growth. Depends... the Hagen Nutrafin 'mix your own' CO2 system is about $50, but rather limited, a pressurised system such as Alley has runs about $250.
  9. Have a look at Alley's tank ( http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=16157 )...a 33 planted running on a canister with a pair of Aqualight fixtures....the fish inhabitants are listed as well.
  10. Yes and no....ideally, all imported plants require a phytosanitary certificate, which is a bit spendy...but...aquaticmagic usually ships in envelopes, which never get checked, so your shipment would likely arrived unmolested and unseized (a few local aquarists have done this successfully multiple times)....however...he ships via mail, and the chances of your moss arriving unfrozen any time in the next 6 months is unlikely.
  11. I have used both (although not together), and am very happy with both products (the new Flourite Black and Flourite Dark look great)....plant growth was excellent with both products (combined with lots of light and CO2). In the tanks that I have used these, I have used them as the only substrate, or with a very light top layer of pea gravel.
  12. Out of curiosity, which company/store are you?
  13. Damn, well, if you find some available, cut me in...that stuff works better than anything, especially on acros.
  14. Not likely, although within a scarce possibility...most probably coincidence or the flatworm exit (some fish, individuals, not just species, seem sensitive to it). Speaking of which, wherever did you find the stuff (it has been banned from sale in Canada forever)?
  15. Could be a rupture, could be callamanus...hard to be certain with that photo, but I would consider each and after research, you should be able to manage a decent diagnosis.
  16. Toirtis


    Welcome to the forum.
  17. More so, certainly....but the efficiency of a chiller made with say 150' of hose inside an 8 cubic foot deep freeze would still be far behind and actual chiller, cost nearly as much, and would take up ten times the space.
  18. Probably 2 years if you start with 3-4 that are <6"...but remember, you want to keep up with lots of big water-changes to encourage good growth.
  19. That must have been one huge, powerful fridge, as fridge chillers are very inefficient.
  20. Precisely...in Calgary, that would likely cost you a good $100/month+...and a lot of ice outside come November.
  21. ...and Aquacentris. There is a reason I shop there...great selection and top-quality plants, as well as a great selection of aquascaping supplies. A good choice for Joseph, as he is about 90 minutes away from there.
  22. That does really suck...I am terribly sorry for you. On the brighter side, all of those fish are fairly readily available locally, and although it would take a couple of years to grow them back up to size, a 450 is certainly the place to do it.
  23. It would be possible, but ungainly and expensive....a refrigeration unit combined with an autofeed unit with some sort of secure dispensing function.....I would imagine it would be at least as big as 14" square and weigh a good 7kg....and if it could be done for under $300, I would be amazed.
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