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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. Ok, finally got in there this past Thursday, and it is pretty sharp looking, although it will be a bit before they are fully-stocked and have all the bugs worked out of the system. One thing that I though was a bit...well...stupid on their part is that the top (third) row of stock tanks is a full 6½' off the floor, and the access ports above those tanks is easily 7½' off the floor....I would not want to have to be climbing a ladder dozens of times daily to catch fish out of those tanks, and to be fair, if a customer is under 5'6", I don't fancy that they could even see the fish on the top row.
  2. Dave is not here. I will let him know, thanks, and glad you enjoyed the shop.
  3. Its nice, bright and works well...could use more highly-polished reflectors, though.
  4. Toirtis


    Welcome to the board...see you at the auction!
  5. Toirtis

    Hello there

    Welcome to the board and back to the hobby!
  6. That sucks...I have some Schistura mahnerti on hand if you feel you need some replacements.
  7. Great photos and thanks for the fishing report...I had considered stopping there a couple of times to wet a line.
  8. We have them as full-size 'stock' fish at Riverfront...usually both the regular and gold varieties....and they sell quite well.
  9. Toirtis


    Welcome to the board!
  10. Toirtis


    Welcome to AA, Raymond!
  11. Welcome to the board, Candace!
  12. Congrats, Wendy...that is a cool spawn.
  13. Neither have I....Hagen has an office and warehouse on the East-side, but they are not open to the public. Prices range from $6.99-$19.99 (depending on size) at Riverfront Aquariums, and we sell ours at MSRP. I sell a lot of them, actually.
  14. I have seen it throughout its transformation (this grand re-opening is about 2 months behind schedule due to a number of setbacks), but not the finishing touches (such as an airbrushed floor and graphics)...looks like it will be pretty impressive, although it will probably be a couple of weeks before it is fully-stocked.
  15. Toirtis


    Welcome to the board.
  16. Toirtis

    FX5 Filter

    $250 is more than good...it is basically wholesale cost.
  17. Here is the specimen at Ocean City...probably about 7":
  18. Hydor inlines are great, but must be situated vertically....personally, I love them.
  19. $200...and one might want to consider a nice tip for the poor bastard that has to go in and catch him.
  20. Yes, although my lawn gets 99%+...and I have the greenest lawn in the neighbourhood.
  21. Nah, just a quick snap with a Fuji point and shoot.
  22. There is, apparently, also a big (8") one at Ocean City...will try to stop in there tomorrow and snap a shot or two.
  23. Very nice...a friend fished Newell last weekend and said that there were a lot of pike hitting, but he found them a bit sluggish for fighting just now...we plan on a trip there in May, just after ice-off.
  24. Usually zinc, but quite safe.
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