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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. Actually, I have seen them and know them to be Channa marulioides (which is what they were shipped as) rather than Channa marulius, which they do not resemble at all. Channa marulioides reach a maximum of 26cm.
  2. Toirtis

    HELLO >:-)

    Welcome to the board!
  3. The smallest sort from Aquagiant would work well.
  4. I was up Thursday and snapped a couple of shots..I will upload and post them tomorrow. That shrimp is incredible...I have never seen one that size...just freaking incredible.
  5. Ours down at the shop thrive in coco-peat with dishes of fresh and salt water, lots of humidity, a low-wattage heat lamp, and a variety of foods (meaty and fruit/veg)...plus lots of stuff to climb on...they seem to appreciate some cuttlebone pieces as well.
  6. Yes, I can get those locally at our wholesaler...very similar to the Azoo Mignons...nicer, though.
  7. ZooMed also makes a mini-canister, although it is marketed as a 'turtle filter' (Turtle clean 501: http://www.zoomed.com/html/filters.php ) pretty much identical to the TOM one ( http://www.tomaquarium.com/webfiles/produc...ercanister.html ) ...I have not heard any bad reviews for the ZooMed one, so it may be worthwhile. I have been using the Azoo Mignon filters ( http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/bmz_cache/...age.500x500.jpg ) myself for a while and find that they do the job quite well enough for a 2-3 gallon tank with a couple of bettas and a snail or two. Another option is the old standby air-driven sponge filters....which do take up space, but are great filters (and are usually available at most shops). http://www.teachingmaterials.at/catalog1/images/208905.jpg http://www.aquaticbiotope.co.uk/ProdImages...ter%20BM104.jpg http://cichlidresearch.com/gifs/simpleaqua...er_DSC_4947.jpg http://www.e-aquarium.com.au/images/Fry_Sp...rium_Filter.JPG
  8. Interesting taxon you have there....I think you want Brachygobius doriae, mein freund. Had them in the shop a while back...seemed reasonably peacable and did well at standard temps and with meaty foods....kept in freshwater, though...I have not heard of them being kept brackish at all, as they are a stream species. Very easy...care is the same as any other F. gardneri subspecies...best done in species tanks, though, and not a brackish species at all. As with other Loricarids, they do not tolerate any significant amount of salt. We have zebra and ruby nerites in regularly, but never stock the olives as they are not very popular....I keep both the ruby and zebras at home, albeit primarily in FW. I have three and enjoy them greatly...very easy to keep, although they prefer falling water to live under. Have all four personally...Java fern is the only one that will tolerate brackish conditions, though.
  9. Not really....'bloodworms' are actually chironomids (Chironomus sp)...midge larvae.
  10. Toirtis


    Welcome to the board!
  11. A couple of my larger bichirs are about a decade old....I have had cory cats that were about 15 in the past...and an angel that made 14.
  12. Just keep the water level a bit lower, and that will help eliminate any potential escapes. My ropes all enjoy NLS pellets, frozen krill, mysis and fresh earthworms.
  13. Very cool...mostly I get northern flickers and downy woodpeckers around my place...sometimes 6-8 at once on my big tree.
  14. Great photos...and good job on delivering on those snake pics!
  15. Toirtis


    ...and bacterial and spore growth....I would not even consider it...that water is seriously fugly.
  16. A small sponge filter or Azoo Mignon HOB are likely what you want...I believe a couple of Edmonton shops sell the latter. http://fishsupplies.com/itemdy00.asp?T1=701046%20BLK
  17. and by that you mean the store? No, locale as in Ambanja Island, Tamatave Island, etc.
  18. De nada...interesting that you have better identified him...to be honest, I never really looked that closely at him.
  19. Probably can order more...this one is a specimen I grew out from an order we got in prior to x-mas. Christian
  20. Well, I have a rather large male kicking around....
  21. Very nice...now show me some frogs and snakes!
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