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Strange snail-ID??


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Thanks! I'm off to research them a bit more... *rubs hands together chanting "death to snails... death to snails...."* If there's anything you think I should know about them, feel free to let me know. I have a feeling I'll be making a purchase ASAP

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My trio of yo-yo's dealt with the first wave of snails immediately after I put them in the tank. The second wave of snails hit a few weeks later and the loaches seemed more interested in fish flakes than the new snails. I'm having more luck reducing the population by squishing the snails myself. I won't use the snail treatments because I keep shrimp in the tank.

How well will dwarf puffers do in a community tank of guppies, dwarf platys, yo-yo's and a pair of bamboo shrimp? I can move the yo-yo's if necessary.

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How well will dwarf puffers do in a community tank of guppies, dwarf platys, yo-yo's and a pair of bamboo shrimp? I can move the yo-yo's if necessary.

They are fin nippers so guppies might look gross after a while. Bamboo shrimp should be okay because they are bigger but might get nipped. Puffers need a small amount of salinity in the water, don't know if the shrimp could take it. I have mine in with amecas and barbs (believe it or not). I have slowly (one year) removed the salt I was using and now down to nearly nothing and they are fine. Hope that helps a bit.

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Not all puffers need salinity...dwarf puffers in particular is pure fw. Like Wendy said, I would not trust a dwarf puffer not to nip the long flowing tail of guppies...I know mine nips the tails of the big (well, relatively speaking) platies.


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Thanks. I think I will have to stick with the yo-yo loaches, then. I might not be staying with the guppies but I will definitely be keeping the platies and the bamboo shrimp. The snails seem manageable at this point, any way. Maybe the loaches are doing their job after all ... ;)

I'm not experiencing any problems with the bamboo shrimp regarding salinity. I am using a half-dose of salt (1 tbsp / 10 gallons) in this tank. While I'm no where near being a shrimp expert, I do recall reading that the young require brackish water in the wild to properly develop. Presumably, the adults should have some salt tolerance. Mine have molted a number of times already.

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