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Joe The Destroyer


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I was just posting the other day about how my stock of cherry shrimp had been on the decline since I moved recently. I was also basting about the deep crimson of one of my females and how she didn't even have te stripe that was typical of most RCS (although I've read a post that suggests this was due to extreme age). I didn't mention that I had been housing my cherry shrimp along with a number of amano shrimp, a colony of endlers, a big bunch of kuhli loaches and Joe. Joe is a little betta that my girlfriend spotted at Henry's and just had to have! I felt bad keeping him in a bowl with a few plants so I moved him to the shimp emporium. I didn't realize it at the time but the decline of my cherry shrimp coincided with the addition of Joe. It hadn't occurred to me that the RED in red cherry shrimp might be an issue to Joe. It hadn't occurred to me until last night when I saw Joe triumphantly biting the eyeless corpse of my favourite little crimson cherry shrimp. Joe took extreme delight in striking his fresh kill, repeatedly grabbing the little body until he was sure it was dead, then going back again to check.

I was perplexed as the only issues that tank had at first were that the endlers babies seemed to dissapear but I had already credited those kills to his lordship. The amanos moved around that tank with impunity, even going so far as to perch upon the kuhlis. And the kuhlis seemed to ignore all the shrimp, and unfortunately, the ramshorn snails aswell. I find it a little ironic that Joe saved my favourite shrimp for last. I guess it's a case of murphy's law kicking in.

So now after seeing this blatant act of murder, the mystery is solved and I will remember to NOT keep bettas with red shrimp.

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LOL...Oh noooo. Thats humorous but I am sorry for your loss :unsure:

I was just posting the other day about how my stock of cherry shrimp had been on the decline since I moved recently. I was also basting about the deep crimson of one of my females and how she didn't even have te stripe that was typical of most RCS (although I've read a post that suggests this was due to extreme age). I didn't mention that I had been housing my cherry shrimp along with a number of amano shrimp, a colony of endlers, a big bunch of kuhli loaches and Joe. Joe is a little betta that my girlfriend spotted at Henry's and just had to have! I felt bad keeping him in a bowl with a few plants so I moved him to the shimp emporium. I didn't realize it at the time but the decline of my cherry shrimp coincided with the addition of Joe. It hadn't occurred to me that the RED in red cherry shrimp might be an issue to Joe. It hadn't occurred to me until last night when I saw Joe triumphantly biting the eyeless corpse of my favourite little crimson cherry shrimp. Joe took extreme delight in striking his fresh kill, repeatedly grabbing the little body until he was sure it was dead, then going back again to check.

I was perplexed as the only issues that tank had at first were that the endlers babies seemed to dissapear but I had already credited those kills to his lordship. The amanos moved around that tank with impunity, even going so far as to perch upon the kuhlis. And the kuhlis seemed to ignore all the shrimp, and unfortunately, the ramshorn snails aswell. I find it a little ironic that Joe saved my favourite shrimp for last. I guess it's a case of murphy's law kicking in.

So now after seeing this blatant act of murder, the mystery is solved and I will remember to NOT keep bettas with red shrimp.

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