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Betta in a community tank?


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I have never kept a Betta fish before. I've been told I could add a single one to my 20 gallon community tank thats at work. Some people want a "pretty blue fish" in there.

Current contents are 5 rummy nose, 4 serpae, 2 B.N plecos (1.5" each), 2 african frogs in there somewhere (never see them), and I just threw in 2 small zebra snails.

Would that work? Any special considerations for one of those?

And don't worry, I have a place for the B.N's when they get too big, but they are sloooooww growers.

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I have never kept a Betta fish before. I've been told I could add a single one to my 20 gallon community tank thats at work. Some people want a "pretty blue fish" in there.

Current contents are 5 rummy nose, 4 serpae, 2 B.N plecos (1.5" each), 2 african frogs in there somewhere (never see them), and I just threw in 2 small zebra snails.

Would that work? Any special considerations for one of those?

And don't worry, I have a place for the B.N's when they get too big, but they are sloooooww growers.

Bettas are slow swimmers with lots of fins... I don't like the idea of them in community tanks b/c the betta is just too big of a target for faster fish that might nip... rummy noses and the serpaes may enjoy the new target...

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What would be my other options for "pretty blue fish" for that tank?

I had about 10 cardinals in there and they all got ich and died. Should I try them again?

Also, anyone know where I can get some nice rummynose in Edmonton for less than $5 each? I would like a few more in there. Anyone breed them?

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My Rainbows ignore the Zebra snails completely. I have never had frogs so can't say there. Usually they have ignored all other tankmates except when a male has claimed a territory and tries to drive another of the same species away. Even then then they haven't gotten aggressive. I find them a great community fish. If you are buying them, remember they are late coloring up. Usually at purchase their color is drab, but it is well worth the wait.

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