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10 Gallon Stocking


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OK, the kids are starting to bug me to get their own fish. I have an empty 10 gallon tank that I can use but I am not sure what to put in there. I am looking for some suggestions for some fairly hardy fish. Also, what are some good lighting idea's. The tank currently has the incandecent hood and From what I can remember there are not alot of good quality bulbs that will show colors or grow any plants.


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Well here is some suggestions.

4 lemon tetras, 2 mating dwarf cichlids and 3 corydoras catfish


3 guppies (1male 2 females), 3 swordtails (1 male 2 females), 3 bronze corydoras

Just some suggestions. You could always put some plants in and a betta and have an amazing home for it. As for lighting you'll have to wait for someone else... I'm a dumby with lighting.. I just get lucky... lol

Edited by Erin
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You can buy the philips daylight bulbs which should grow plants just fine. Were you thinking of making it a planted tank? As for fish you could stick with a school of small tetras or rasboras.....I have recently fell in love with the galaxy rasboras :) And add a few pygmy cories or bumblebee gobies, and throw in a few otocinclus. Just an idea.......hmmm that makes me want a tank like that lol. Or get some killi fish for the tank. Another idea is to buy the dwarf pea puffers, only a couple would be best in a 10 gallon and make sure to put lot's of plants to cut down their line of vision which also decreases aggression between them.

Or you can go the opposite direction, and get a trio of lamprologus shell dwellers, either the ocellatus or multies. Multies seem to do better in colonies than do the ocellatus.

Edited by firestorm
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Guest Master of Puppets

CRAYFISH! Lol crayfish make awesome pets for a 10g aslong as they dont escape, theyre very easy to take care of, they dont need heat and will eat almost anything, dead fish, plants, pellets, prawn, peas, lettuce, ect. You could also add a few hatchet fish in with a crayfish. If you happen to get one and it dissapears during the night dont be suprised if you searching under your bed for something and it turns up and scares the crap out of you.

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There are lots of options for 10 gallons. I've got 3 dwarf puffers in mine along with a few otocinclus and amano shrimp. What about a betta fish with some pygmy corys? Or you could always get some african dwarf frogs, kids seem to loooove those!

Coralife makes some compact florescents that will fit into incandescent hoods, and they keep plants pretty happy. I've seen them at just about every pet store I go to.

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There are sure a lot of different directions I could go with this. My situation is that I have three kids and each one wants their own fish, so I am sure that I will have to find three fish that look different from each other :unsure:. For now I put a couple of the standard 13w mini spiral lights in. They sure do light up the tank, but I don't think they would do much if I put any plants in.

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There are lots of options for 10 gallons. I've got 3 dwarf puffers in mine along with a few otocinclus and amano shrimp. What about a betta fish with some pygmy corys? Or you could always get some african dwarf frogs, kids seem to loooove those!

Coralife makes some compact florescents that will fit into incandescent hoods, and they keep plants pretty happy. I've seen them at just about every pet store I go to.

How do the dwarf puffers work in terms of aggression towards the shrimp?

There are sure a lot of different directions I could go with this. My situation is that I have three kids and each one wants their own fish, so I am sure that I will have to find three fish that look different from each other :unsure:. For now I put a couple of the standard 13w mini spiral lights in. They sure do light up the tank, but I don't think they would do much if I put any plants in.

13w in a 10gal tank should be enough to have some sort of moss, java fern, anubia or Crypt growing I'd say.

Just make sure the bulb is "daylight"

I would suggest tetras if you're gonna heat the tank or white clouds if you don't. If you have enough plants and filtration in the tank with some drift wood or something I'm certain you could go with some smaller tetras like 3 different groups of 4-5 fish.

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How do the dwarf puffers work in terms of aggression towards the shrimp?

Other than a couple of nips when I first added the puffers, I haven't had any problems. The shrimp are pretty good at hiding under leaves or making a speedy getaway when they notice a puffer lurking nearby.

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  • 5 months later...

I have a planted 10 gallon that is quite easy to care for.

Cambomba, Mondo Grass, Java Fern, Banana Plant, and Spiral Val.

My canopy has 2 15w bulbs, my filter is a 10gal Whisper and it is quiet.

I have 3 cherry shrimp and 1 (or 2) ghost shrimp, 5 Rasbora Hets., 1 male Betta, and a dumb red wag Platy.

Its a nice, easy set up and quite fun to look at.

I'd suggest not having red gravel with cherry shrimp though, lol

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