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Hello All,

I'm 3 almost 4 weeks into my newly 108 gal planted tank and I'm having a few issues with what looks like green hair algae. Every 2 days I'm taking out a fairly good clump of it. It's getting tangled up in everything.

I am running compressed co2 about 3 bubbles per second or 15-20ppm. I have 4 HO T5 54 watt 5000 lumen lamps. Temp is about 78F.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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how long do you have your lights on for? are you fertalizing? how much ferts? is it heavily planted? slow growing plants like java ferns, anubius, crypts? or fast growing plants like stem plants?

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how long do you have your lights on for? are you fertalizing? how much ferts? is it heavily planted? slow growing plants like java ferns, anubius, crypts? or fast growing plants like stem plants?

I actually reduced my lights to 8 hrs, the most I have had them on is 11hrs. I have only used API root tabs once and that was in the last few weeks. I had this issue before I used these tabs as well. I have many differtent plants from slow growing to fast growing, stem plants, a few crypts, anubius and java ferns. It is fairly heavy planted.

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My guess would be that your light, Co2, and fetilizer balance is out of wack. You can try lights on for 12 to 13 hours, up your Co2 to 6 bbls per sec, and dry ferts 3 times a week (EI method). It worked for me, and all I get now is a little dust algae on the glass every couple weeks.

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Yeah, you probably need to add some ferts. The plants can't take the best advantage of the light and CO2 if they don't have enough nutrients. Algae are much better nutrient scavengers.

See if you can't get your CO2 up a bit higher. And keep the "day" under 10 hrs for now. You can increase it once the algae gets under control.

Aquarium Algae

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Yeah, you probably need to add some ferts. The plants can't take the best advantage of the light and CO2 if they don't have enough nutrients. Algae are much better nutrient scavengers.

See if you can't get your CO2 up a bit higher. And keep the "day" under 10 hrs for now. You can increase it once the algae gets under control.

Aquarium Algae

Ok I will give this a try, I was thinking that I didnt have enough nutrients as well. I will have to purchase this tomorrow. In your opinion what would be the best?

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I think most of us agree that buying your own dry ferts is the way to go (cheaper!) You can find these at hydroponics stores- perhaps the Edmontonians can direct you to the right place?

There are a couple of ways to go depending on what works for you. See the pinned topic here on the EI method, or check out the PPS Pro method. I use my own tweaked version of PPS Pro (because I'm slightly irregular with my water changes) plus some of the Seachem products.

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dry ferts is the way to go! i will never go back to pet store bought ferts. way cheaper for dry ferts. i spent $40 to get the stuff i needed and it should last a year except maybe the trace mix. that should last 6 months. and i use the pps pro method.

even if i only had 1 10 gallon planted tank i would still use dry ferts. i cant belive it took me so long to switch.

as for your problem even if one of the ferts is too low it can cause algae. lots of cheap fast growing stem plants could help till tank balances out

limofillia sessafloria is a good one for that. but once your tank gets balanced properly you will probably want to get rid of it because it will take over

ludwiga repens is good too. and you can sell it when you get too much.

pogostemon stelata is also good. it looks good too

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dry ferts is the way to go! i will never go back to pet store bought ferts. way cheaper for dry ferts. i spent $40 to get the stuff i needed and it should last a year except maybe the trace mix. that should last 6 months. and i use the pps pro method.

even if i only had 1 10 gallon planted tank i would still use dry ferts. i cant belive it took me so long to switch.

as for your problem even if one of the ferts is too low it can cause algae. lots of cheap fast growing stem plants could help till tank balances out

limofillia sessafloria is a good one for that. but once your tank gets balanced properly you will probably want to get rid of it because it will take over

ludwiga repens is good too. and you can sell it when you get too much.

pogostemon stelata is also good. it looks good too

Thanks for all your help. I will combine everyones suggestions and Im sure the result will be great!!

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