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Betta w/ chronic fin rot


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I've got a Betta in a 5 gallon who has had chronic fin rot ever since soon after I got him. It may have been my fault initially months ago, but now that he's got proper filtration, heating, regular water changes, and perfect water parameters (ammonia = 0 nitrite = 0 nitrate = ~5ppm)it still pops up. I salt his tank when I see it arise again, but it seems like it goes away then comes back and some of his new fin growth will just fall off again. I've treated with melafix (home brewed with 100% tea tree oil) when it's got severe. Anyone have any ideas why this might be re-occuring? Are some fish just that compromised that they will always have chronic problems?

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don't use melafix or anything that contains the oils found in melafix! the oils clog up the labyrinth organ in bettas, and bettas need that organ in order to survive.

salt, IMO, won't help with the fin rot. what you need is a product called "Betta Revive". by Hikari if i recall correctly and comes in a little fish shaped bottle. it's sold in most of the larger stores around here (i know that Big Al's had it last time i was in). active ingredients are mostly methylyne blue and malachite green. works wonders on fin rot! daily 100% water changes are necessary when treating with Betta Revive, from my experience, to acheive the full results. medicate until a good bit of improvement is seen then discontinue meds and continue to do daily large volume water changes for at least a week afterwards.

i've used Betta Revive often back when i had 7 bettas in my crazy fish lady kitchen, lol, and i found it did the trick every time.

is it possible that some fake plants or decor in the tank are causing rips in the fins and that is the cause of the recurring rot?

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I have found that with such long fancy fins that are bred into fish like betta splendins that there is poor circulation in the fins which makes them prone to infection in the fins. Some specimens, regardless of species or genus, are going to be of poor type which further magnifies species or breed prone problems.

For example. With certain breeds of goldfish such as moors, you get eyesight problems. other fancy breeds of goldfish such as ryukins can be prone to scoliosis or swim bladder problems. Some specimens will live with no problems and others will be inundated with afflictions It's bound to happen as these fish are all man made, just like Betta splendins.

Edited by Ichthyosporidium
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