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water water everywhere

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nary a drop to drink!

So techical topic around water. Last time I raised fish, I used straight Calgary tap water for the main part. Since then, we have moved and have a water conditioner (ionic? salt exchange thingy). So first thing I did when setting up my fish rack was modify the plumbing so I had a source of water that bypasses this conditioner.

So, a couple of things I would like to know you folks experience or information on.

Firstly: When I want 'soft water' for some species, will they fooled by the sodium rich soft water?

How bad is this sodium enriched (for lack of better term) softened water for some of the more delicate species (like say Discus). I am guesssin REAL BAD or folks would have tried it as a cheap alternative to softened water already! haha!

Calgary's water is similar in hardness/calcium content (or so I recall from past information, sorry though I don't have any current data on it. still gathering that type of information) to the rift lakes if I remember correctly.

What other methods of softening would be a cheap alternative to an RO system. (I an contemplating buying and setting one up, just don't want to letting out a Homer Simpson DOH! by finding out after the fact that there are cheaper and just as effective alternatives available).



ps: cross posting on CAC to get some thoughts from the folks there that don't post here.

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I have acclimated all my Discus to live in straight Calgary water, they will not have very large successful spawns in this water and and RO/DI units tends to be the cheapest way to go.

You can pick up a 6 Stage ro\di unit off of e-bay for about $160.00 USD plus shipping.

Hope That Helps.

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My father lives out past 'chestemere and he ran well water in his tank after it went through the filters that well water has to, and his discus bred like crazy and did really well. I'm not sure about the salt water softeners.

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