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Rena xp3 on a 50 G


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I'm looking into buying a xp3 off of another member here, and i was wondering if over filtering was a bad idea. I did some looking around and found the xp3 is recommended for 175G and a xp2 ( which i had used years before on my old 50G) was recommended for 75G. Are there any down sides? Will the circulation be too much? thinking about it right now i can only see it as a good thing, i bet plants would love it.But then again, i don't really know what i'm talking about LOL

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i dont think over filtering is bad...the more the filter the better...water circulation on the other hand might be bad, depending on what your fish likes. Some fish dont like strong current, while others do...all depends on your fish

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Yes, as knifefishfan said, if you have fish that don't like TONS of current, it might be pretty bad. On the other hand, it would seem to me that if you planned your set up properly, you could dissipate the water speed drastically. For instance, if you pointed the output toward the glass or straight at a rock....or whatever, you could reduce the effects. Has anyone tried this method?

I should mention that I will most likely be having 3 times the filtration on my soon to be completed 90 gallon.

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I don't think you will be over filtering. I have the XP3 (using spray bar) on my 90 gallon and it's not enough filtration or water flow. I also have a Fluval 405 on my 55 gallon and that is not nearly enough.

You could try creating a substrate tube like what jvision did in his journal. Then at least it spread flow out equally throughout the tank.

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you'll be fine with that rena on a 50 gallon. i'm running an xp2 AND and xp4 on one of my 55's, lol.

Wow, ok. Good to know i'm good, lol.

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