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Good Idea Gone Vary Bad


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chair.gif hello every one has any one else ever had this problem?

Hear it gos at about 7 pm tonight i set up my computer chair in front of my tank set up the heating pad for my back and a second chair as a foot stole and a fuzzy blanket. All set to reed a Book right? At about 8:45 i check to see how many pages i have red from the last dog eared page. and it is only 3. I spent the whole time looking at my tank. witch is coming along quite nice if i do say so my self. now i am sitting trying to do this post and i keep looking at my tank. who needs shaw cable when you have a fish tank is what i say. even though i still have it lol04.gif

so get a book and a chair and enjoy your tank. my 2 year old daughter will sit in my chair and watch the tank over the tv most of the time as well.

hear are some fish tank viewing aids i have discovered over the years of tank viewing.

the fold up lawn chair

a foot stool

Glass of wine



some music

a good book or a bad one you will not get though much of it.

and the best one there is.

your kid or kids siting with you.

so lets hear about your tank viewing notworthy.gif and how you do it

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I enjoy sitting in a chair, little girl on my lap discussing whats going on in the tank. What characters are nice, which ones are mean, who deserves a time out. The smart Alec, the bluffer, the silly guy, grumpy old man and whatever else we see. Or with my boy who is 2 and a half, who cannot stay still and freaks out screaming "Pleco!" excitedly whenever he finds one. Needless to say, it's still relaxing and funny.

Many moons ago, my old roommate and I would put the lawn chairs in front of my 180 gallon African tank, Tokeus Pokeus our bong between us, and used to do the tank dialog as the characters of the tank, like a sitcom based on the personalities and actions in the tank. It was really funny. I think? Different type of quality time but none the less tank time with a smile on my face. That's what makes life worth it, family, friends and funny stories. :blush:

Edited by Jayba
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Now I read the title of this post ! " good idea gone very bad " i still can not connect the title with what I just read in this post .

I was expecting something like " drilling holes for bulkheads while tank is full " or I put colorful saltwater fish in fresh water " those would be ideas gone bad ! Maybe my long day has me not thinking straight but I'm not getting it !

But since it was asked " how we view " I mostly just take a few minutes ta admire my tanks when I walk by or when I'm eating or when the lady of the house is watching gossip girl , biggest loser , Hana Montana and let's not forget super nanny ! But I think most of my time in front of the tank is when my 2 year old thinks it's time to " whats that ? What's that ? Wow what's that ? And every time it's the same amono shrimp ! I even try pointing out fish and he will be like " cool " but what's that ? Yup the attention span of a hamster !


Edited by The-Influence
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just me or is there a lot of 2 year old's when Laurens with her mom and see a tank or a fish she starts sayings daddy or dad's. seeing the smile on her face makes the work worth it.

blake it was a good idea gone bad cuz i wanted to reed my book

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My only running tank is currently set in a corner of the dining room so either at meal time, or just using the table to spread out the newspaper flyers (who reads the actual PAPER anymore?) there's always the soft glow from the T5's keeping us company. I built a 6" high platform in front of the tank so my daughter can see everything and she'll climb up there and stare for an hour sometimes. It's next to her book nook so between the two she's quiet - often from one meal time right through to the next. A nice contrast to the days where she's running from one end of the house to the other for two hours straight.

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My tanks are by my tv and next to my bed. So anytime I try to watch tv I find myself missing half the show because I caught up watching the tanks. Same thing happens when I try to read a book in bed. 30mins will have passed but I'd have only read the first page.

Sometimes I also use it as my relaxation time. Its like I zone out when I start watching my tanks. Helps me relax, especially when I'm trying to fall asleep. Thank god for aquarium light timers!

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My tank in the kitchen is 2' off the floor, so the kids just love watching it! It also gets in the way of my kitchen cleaning....lol

The one in the living room is a definate suppliment for the tv. We don't have sattelite or cable, but my ol man is seemingly addicted to the ps3 game of 'risk' right now....which is not so interesting for me to watch. I sit on the edge of my sofa and delight in watching my fish instead of a dull game.

The tank in my room my hubby watches...even though he won't admit it. I take my contacts out before bed, so can't really see any fish action. I do, however, catch Derrick in a relaxing trance watching the fish. Someday he will have to admit how kewl they are.

Downstairs my little tank is great for me to pause at on the way to the laundry room. I always need to stop and check how my fry are doing.......

I have so many 'pit stops' that I can take around my house doing chores! :smokey:

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My tank in the kitchen is 2' off the floor, so the kids just love watching it! It also gets in the way of my kitchen cleaning....lol

The one in the living room is a definate suppliment for the tv. We don't have sattelite or cable, but my ol man is seemingly addicted to the ps3 game of 'risk' right now....which is not so interesting for me to watch. I sit on the edge of my sofa and delight in watching my fish instead of a dull game.

The tank in my room my hubby watches...even though he won't admit it. I take my contacts out before bed, so can't really see any fish action. I do, however, catch Derrick in a relaxing trance watching the fish. Someday he will have to admit how kewl they are.

Downstairs my little tank is great for me to pause at on the way to the laundry room. I always need to stop and check how my fry are doing.......

I have so many 'pit stops' that I can take around my house doing chores! :smokey:

hay i have never used my tank as a excuse not to do house work but i like it i like it a lot lol 04.gif04.gif04.gif04.gif04.gif04.gifrollin.gif

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i have all my tanks set up in a way that i can view 3 out of 4 of them from the couch, with the lil 2.5 gallon being on the kitchen countertop out of view unless i'm sitting on the other end of the couch (not my usual spot, lol). i haven't had cable tv in almost 7 years, and have fish for 3.5 of those years. don't need tv when you have fishy tv! lol. quite often when i'm on the laptop, sitting on the couch, i get 'distracted' from what i'm doing and stare at the tanks for a while..... look at the clock after what i think is just a few minutes...... over an hour later. hahaha!

here's my view :)


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