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Illness Frustartion.


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Here's where it all started.

I did the 7 days of the natural based API product, seemed to be helping the worst affected tiger barbs even seemed to be regaining some weight thought everything was going to be fine, till i found him belly up. The remaining affected Barb was being so heavily picked on by his healthy buddy that he was nearly white from the stress. I've separated him in a netted breeding cage with some java moss. So far seems very twitchy. Today is the only time i've seen any real interest with food, but his twitchy swimming isn't making eating easy for him. Bites seem to be healing but his coat still looks clouded. Switch to treating with fresh water salt(1tbsp/5g h20), temp was already above the recommended 80F wondering if i should still bump it for the 36 hours or so, not wanting to kill the 3 week old fry. I'm not sure if they can handle it. Plus i just read the salt/pleco thread so that's another thing to worry about, but he/she seems fine for now. I just wish what ever the Barbs started with would F off already, 3 weeks is long enough!

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BN pleccos can and have in my experience tolerated fairly high levils of salt for quite a while. You could probably easily get away with 1tsp per gallon Of course you would need to build up to this level over a a 3 day period if you are worried. I'd be more worried about the plants as they will show deterioration at much lower and shorter levels and periods than the plecco or snail. I think maybe a week at this strength and then a water change to reduce the levels and then another a week later to reduce them again and keep up water changes on the tank inbetween with water that has the same concentration of salt. Don't worry too much as you will see the plants start to stress well before it becomes a problem so you have ample warning time.

Good luck


Edit. I think if you try it at 1 tsp per five gallons you'd be well within tolerance levels. Just be sure to bring them up and down from this level over a few days at least especially bringing them down so as not to stress them and cause a re emergence of the disease due to immune depression that stress causes. The meds might have hurt and helped the fish and personally i never reach for the chemicals first. Salt increase and epsolm salts are normally my first defence and if they don't improve things i search out the best recomended meds from a expert for that particular issue (i usually scour the internet for a symptom match first) and go from there.

Here is a link to a site i have found immensely helpfull and it looks really useful for you depending on how observant you can be of the diseased fish(aka hiding in cave etc)

Check out the index scroll down for it.

I highly reccomend it as it has allot of information on the various dieases that could be affecting your fish and i do believe they give the basic ingredients that are proven successful in treating it. No direct hobbiest product reccomendation.

Good luck


Edited by Ishkabod
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