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Infected Tank


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Hi, I've had multiple fatalities in one of my molly/guppy tanks. The fatalities were mostly guppies and it looks like part of their tail is either missing or shredded, i've google this and the only thing that comes up is fin rot? I've already had my water tested three times at the pet store and again at home but everything turn out ok. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what it may be and how to cure it? I don't want to loose anymore fish, if it is fin rot is there a way to be sure before medicating the tank, on one of the website it says to use Melafix for fin rot. Is this going to keep spreading to my other fish, should I do a complete water change?

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Are you sure it's fin rot? It just sounds like they're being picked on and die as a result. just my thoughts.

Edit: Just read that you started this tank a few weeks ago?? It's very possible that you've just gone too fast and haven't let the tank cycle. You may have over stocked the tank before it's ready to handle a large bio load. Give your tank some time...don't add any more fish. Keep doing your water changes, make sure to treat the water, add stability if you want (I don't).

Edited by Wingin' It
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Thanks for the quick reply, I'm not sure if it's fin rot. Thanks for the input, I haven't seen any bullying but I guess it's a possibility.

Are you sure it's fin rot? It just sounds like they're being picked on and die as a result. just my thoughts.

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Melafix is pretty good for fin rot. I wouldn't do more than a 50% water change otherwise you're risking stressing your other fish and putting them at risk of contracting fin rot as well.

How big is your tank, how much filtration, & how many fish?

I'd pick the source of your guppies carefully. Many lines of guppies are rather weak these days. Too much inbreeding.

Edit: Bullying is indeed likely with mollies in the tank if there isn't enough space for the guppies to hide.

Edited by 425nm
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Thanks for the input. I'm just not 100% sure it is fin rot so I'm not sure that I should treat it. Good advise on water change, maybe I'll start there, my tank is a 33 gallon and I have about 14 fish in there right now. Do you think the mollies would pick on the guppies, from what I've seen they don't really bug each other but maybe they do when I'm at work or during the night.. who knows. Also these guppies are from the pet store and yes they did tell me that the guppies are weak due to inbreeding but I've had them for about 6 weeks now with no problem and in the past 3-4 days, I've lost 3 guppies

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Thanks for the input. I'm just not 100% sure it is fin rot so I'm not sure that I should treat it. Good advise on water change, maybe I'll start there, my tank is a 33 gallon and I have about 14 fish in there right now. Do you think the mollies would pick on the guppies, from what I've seen they don't really bug each other but maybe they do when I'm at work or during the night.. who knows. Also these guppies are from the pet store and yes they did tell me that the guppies are weak due to inbreeding but I've had them for about 6 weeks now with no problem and in the past 3-4 days, I've lost 3 guppies

Well, although mollies are generally peaceful they are quite a bit bigger (they'll get about 3inches long to my knowledge) than the guppies. I wouldn't put it past many fish to nip a guppies fins, they are a rather convenient target.

I have read that guppies aren't big fans of more acidic waters? So any driftwood you have in there might be lowering the pH just a little too much, possibly?

If they're all of the same stock they could have inherited a genetic condition but that's speculation.

I don't know a huge amount about livebearers soo if someone else would like you contribute.

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I housed some guppies and mollies together and the mollies were the biggest @$$-face fish I have ever seen. Wouldn't let the guppies swim in their favorite areas of the tank, would charge at them whenever they tried to hang around the top at feeding time... they got taken back to the store right quick

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