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Can Anyone Help Me Get Started?


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EDIT: Did some research and have new questions now

Hi there,

Looking to do my first aqua scape and I have a specific question. Can I layer my tanks (30g) and (55g) in Organic Choice potting mix about 1 inch high, and then layer another inch of ADA Aqua Soil on top? Will that be bad in any way?

Trying to cut some costs as this might be very very expensive to layer both in aquasoil. I'm looking at over $250 if I do...

Edited by Elezra
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I've responded to your pm regarding this and will provide a longer more detailed response there.

I'll say here that it is a waste of $$$ to use ada. Stick with a proper soil base and buy a couple great nights on the town for you and your special someone.

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I used miracle grow organic potting mix ( found a couple bags at Home depot ) and topped it off with flourite and a little fine gravel... your water will be the colour of tea for several water changed however it gradually will clear up... I have a 4" substrate

I threw in about 20 white cloud minnows to cycle the tank and make sure it was not going to poison any future fish that I may put in there / no problems the minnows are still alive and thriving after three weeks, I have started to also scape it with plants and everything looks great... have co2 injection and with be also be dosing the water with the proper nutrients / I am using a finnex 48" led finray 2 Light ... if that isn't enough Iight I will supplement with either another Led light or with T5 fluorescent lighting...

good luck with your project

Edited by corrosionjerry
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First off, have you ever had a fish tank? It's a learning process and we all get better(I hope) as we decide what works for us and our fish and plants. You mention substrate but no mention of lights, CO2, what kind of plants you wish to grow, fish, etc. From your budget for substrate, this could be a very expensive tank!! Ada has done much to promote the hobby but their tanks should come with a warning sticker "not for beginners"... I hate seeing people spend a lot of money on an aquascape just to drop the hobby a couple of months later when it doesn't work. I love my many planted tanks but it took me many years to get to this and I am continually changing to grow my plants better. Everyone starts off on a tricycle.. not a racing bike.. So start simple(please) and grow from there..

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