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What do I do next?


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About a month ago my 2 male white top afra's decided that they didn't like each other any more.

After the fight, the lesser dominant one died due to its battle wounds and the dominant male (not too badly injured as it looked) stoped eating all together.

I moved the surviving male into a 10 gallon tank and treated with melefix for 7 days.

for a while i thought he was going to die too but in the past week he has started to come around.

The problem is he is still not eating. It took about a month and now he at least comes to the top to take in the NLS but on his way down he just spits it out.

I have tried feeding some NLS growth and the same thing as he keeps spitting it out.

what do i do?

now that he seems better but just being really picky... do I return him the the main tank?

buy some other food to try?

Just not sure what the next step is with this fish.

Anyone got any ideas?


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Nev - FYI ...... due to some house renos I recently had to move my 55 into my kitchen, a few of the fish stopped eating, with one of the females taking the better part of a week to begin eating again. I knew they would be stressed from the move, and they were. Some fish simply take stress better than others. The juvies took the stress better, and were eating right away, the adults were freaked, and took several days to adjust to their new surroundings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have two clown loaches, after I moved them to a new tank with those texas holey rocks, they stopped eating for almost 2 months! They just stuck inside the rocks all day.

I only started seeing one after 2 months, it was almost 3 months before I saw both out during the day.

They are both happy and eating fine now.... you never know...


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