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About DanGofCalgary

  • Birthday 01/25/1959

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    Bringing sexy back

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  1. wait. what. Guppygirl. Superguppygirl? Is there a superduperGuppygirl? Will this madness ever end?
  2. Exactly what Vince said. Good job getting that many fry saved!
  3. Congratulations on getting them breeding Vince! Some thoughts from an ancient breeder, who's knowledge is probably pretty dated. (So take with a grain of salt). 1: For this latest breeding, I would move the entire cone IN WATER to your bucket. Avoids exposing to air, and minimizes risk of damage from cutting loose with a razor. 2: I would hit the water with a very light amount of methylene blue, like just a slight color change (although you've already proven this is unnessesary by getting them to hatch). Just my belief. Even with fry I ran a bit of Methylene blue (again, just a very light blue color. just enough to inhibit fungus) 3: and this is the one that I really would note - You said you changed the water with RO water. Do not make a huge change in the water condition like that. If you already had RO water in the bucket, all good, but a sudden change in the TDS is really hard on fish, especially fry. Others may disagree, but if it were me, that is how I would run with the ball on this. Good luck! I've seen you succesful with many species of fish. This is just your latest challenge! Have you made Master breeder in the club yet? If not, I'm sure you will soon! Dan
  4. I like your process Vince. I bought a butt load of those heaters for the exact reason that they were cheap. Never thought to use them in a bucket like that. I like it! Dan
  5. Bringing some albino bristlenose juveniles, some Daffodil brichardi... and that's about it. Maybe some spixi snails if I can round up a bag.
  6. The first step to recovery is to admit you are powerless over MTS!
  7. I haven't hatched out australes in a while, but if I remember correctly they take newly hatches brine shrimp immediately? If you don't want to hatch out brine shrimp i would suggest these http://www.brineshrimpdirect.com/c2/Decapsulated-Non-HatchingBrine-Shrimp-Eggs-c21.html I use these for all my fry right now because I am too busy (ok, lazy) to raise brine shrimp. brine shrimp are still the best, but I would call these a close second. also, on your questions of containers. I find it easier to have a couple containers ready for the fry, feed them, then an hour or so later move the fry to the other container. Clean that one out, set it up with clean water and repeat the next day or two. It's often easier to move a small group of fry then to try to keep the small containers clean that you are feeding them in. Turkey baster is your best friend whatever route you take though. good luck! Dan
  8. perhaps a piece of plywood on it (with cushions removed) and you have a tank rack!
  9. I bought a few tickets for that. They haven't called me yet, so I think they have my number down wrong...
  10. LOL! Dad to the rescue! The only part of this story that puzzle me though, If I remember correctly there were already tanks on the coffee table? Maybe my memory is faulty!
  11. Don't see my name on there. What qualifies for 'an active member?'
  12. Wow. that is awesome and a whole lot of work! good on them!
  13. I started them out brackish (3 tablespoon per gallon, if I remember correctly) which was the recommended from Bill Bishop when I bought them from him. About a year later he advised me that he'd had one jump in to a fresh water tank and not only was it thriving but it was spawning and hatching out fry in the tank! LOL! seeing as they are often found in old beer cans with a bit of rain water in them, they are pretty adaptable. I now run them in straight tap water, occasionally adding in a bit of salt if I think of it (sort of as a treat? I really have gotten sloppy with them). I have no idea how high they can jump. It's not an experiment I was willing to try. I think I was standing close one day when one jumped. It sounded pretty vigorous.... I'll defintely try to get at least one to you. If I make CAOAC I'll likely enter one of the 3 I have in the New World killie category. They aren't near as pretty but they are way more interesting to me than most of the annual and non annuals that you can get. I'll also try to bring some eggs if they are spawning still. Dan
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