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Everything posted by corrosionjerry

  1. Add a few extra plants to absorb any extra amonia that may occur... Probably wont but it would help a lot...
  2. I would suggest picking a spiecies of fish that you really like and then do the research to find out what others are compatible with it etc... Its amazing the information you find out when you google a spiecies and go through the information that is available from the different sites.. good luck
  3. Not sure if my school of YO YO Loaches fit into the odd catagory.... They have some real interesting moments at the bottom of tank and are quite the a crew..
  4. I have a tire track EEL... He is a real character with a great personality... reminds me of a peeper... dont get in his way if frozen blood worm is the meal of the day...
  5. I think the underwater vehicle fits in well.......... So funny thanks for showing us that
  6. How often do you rinse off the rocks? The same frequency as a filtre sponge?
  7. It is amazing///he hasnt forgoten that he likes the taste of Zukini !
  8. I will have to check the place out ... I remember seeing the place Jason... Its a Hydroponics store right!
  9. Nice pictures and good job.... What power of optical lens do you have on that camera?
  10. That deffinety would fill in the tank.. LOL Looks like a saskatoon bush
  11. Is it cheaper then the LFS Jason.... The bulbs are very expensive at the LFS shops...around 30 bucks a bulb if I remember right... I have a 30" coral life that I bought at BA on sale about 6 months ago that cost me around 100bucks. 65Watts 6700K... Guess what I am saying is a twenty inch fixture for twenty bucks and a couple of bulbs at 30 bucks each and you have spent 80 dollars... Think I will just shell out 100 bucks and get the proper fixture with the proper balast and bulbs... Is there a better way!
  12. Thanks for the info Jason.... What kind of substrate did you plant yours in. Would sand be suitable ?
  13. I am not sure i have seen glosso at any of the stores.... Is there anyplace in Edmonton that sells it....
  14. where does one get aquarium bulbs to fit these fixtures and are they compatable?
  15. Someone told me that hairgrass would work well for a ground cover like glosso... is there any truth to that ? does it spread quickly?
  16. That makes sence Jason... perhaps there is a way to attach the sponge to an old filter frame... Thanks
  17. I have playsand in one of my tanks and find that it looks great but it is a royal pain to clean it ... You have to hoover your vac at the right distance from the sand or else you start vacuming up the sand... If I set up another tank with sand I am going to use a larger grit just as Jason has mentioned.. There are several other good growing media products in the LFS now that are great options they just cost an arm and a leg... I would check them out if I were you.. Good luck
  18. I have a pleco tank that has a Bio-wheel and an A/C HOB on it... I had a three in Bristlenose Pleco and 3-Juvinile Bristlenose Plecos in the tank and it is well planted and lots of wood. For the last month or so I only would spot the bigger and 2 of the smaller plecos and thought the third must of died , I never did find the body so it made me wounder off and on about it... I am in the habbit of cleaning the filters on a rotating basis so I hadnt removed the filter in the Biowheel for about a month... Low and behold I was about to throw out the old filter and guess what was stuck to filter and looked like a black piece of greese... Yup the third little pleco... He looks like he is recovering from the ordeal and is about half the size of his siblings but alive! Guess the quality of food in that filter isnt the best..... He had to of gotten into that filter when I had taken out the downspout to clean the tank ....
  19. The filters are very expensive for these Bio-wheel 100.... I have a foam filter that I run in the same 20 gallon tank ... does it make sence for me to just put Lava rock in the Bio-wheel ? Is there a cheaper replacement filter that can be purchased?
  20. I have the Riccia in a 20 gallon and I have been dosing it with Excell for a carbon source... I have noticed a little growth so far..... 65 wattts of coral life on top of the tank.. Do you think the problem you have is with the flourish excell or the Fertilizer Jason?
  21. Hermatage Park in Edmonton has several large sloughs/ No herbicide etc for sure... Probably a great collection area..and it is public so no need to ask for admitance...
  22. Have you done this before K9? The slews will be open shortly with the weather forcast ahead of up... pluss 8 on monday I wouldnt mind giving this a try... my Rainbows love live and frozen food...
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