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Terrie Lee

Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Terrie Lee

  1. I love spiders! I think they are fantastic & so are the pictures. I have a small spider that has taken up residence in my 20 gallon. He has a web across the opening where I feed my fish.
  2. Not mine. I found it on stumbleupon. Great idea though. PLANTED tank
  3. Pretty fish! I hope him and your girls make beautiful fry together! :smokey:
  4. Wow he is a fine fellow! Very proud and for good reason! I wondered what he looked like when you mentioned him.
  5. Oh little Frigid, I loved how you turned down little George's advances again and again, even though he was the only guy around. No matter how many nesting sites he showed you, nor how brilliant blue he made his scales, nothing would make you lay eggs. :cry: I am so sorry I crushed your tiny body behind my new sponge filter. You were my first Mikrogeophagus ramirezi and you taught me to love your kind. I hope you find a suitable mate on the "other side". Goodbye . . . . . .
  6. How do I remove the hydra? There is one on the side of the tank. I tried scraping at it with a spoon, but all it did was scrunch up and look angry. The ones in the algae were easy to remove, I just pulled the algae out!
  7. Thanks Jason! I guess I do feed the shrimpies a bit much. It's just that they are right there and oh so cute. . . . . . I will be strong! I will cut back on the pity feeding! I have noticed now that I examined very closely, there are hydra everywhere. They are living in the staghorn algae that I am too lazy to eradicate.
  8. I love shellies! Great pictures!
  9. I just noticed what I think is a diatom in my cherry shrimp tank. (Don't have to worry about the water quality in here ha ha) Will this be a problem? I only see one. It looks like a little tube with five extensions on the top. Is this thing going to kill my shrimp or snails? (It can kill all the snails it wants. I am sure they can breed fast enough to keep up.) If it is dangerous how do I kill it?
  10. I see a baby! Two in fact. One on Daddy's nose and one by that green tube thingy.
  11. Mine is a 5g hexagon that sits on my desk. Val passed on the advice of "all I needed was a tank, water and the shrimp and in a month I'd have a bunch". I don't quite have hundreds, but they are getting close to fifty. They have a used sponge filter, duckweed, java moss, and a ton of staghorn algae. I think my population does not grow as fast as it could because I occasionally put swordtail fry in there.
  12. I am so jealous! There are very few excuses that get me another tank! Just because we live in a small one-bedroom apartment. :tongue:
  13. I agree with Val. My shrimp tank sits on the desk beside my computer and provides hours of entertainment. Any fish put in with the shrimp will eat baby shrimp. Baby shrimp are really cute, but sometimes I put fish in with them to keep the population down.
  14. Terrie Lee


    Oh, that Henry. Always so helpful!
  15. Terrie Lee


    Welcome to the community!
  16. Terrie Lee


    Welcome to AA! :smokey:
  17. That is so great! Perhaps they will inspire my female ram to accept my male. Poor little bugger he tries so hard.
  18. Thanks for answering my silly questions Nick.
  19. I have a Marineland Emperor 400 Bio-wheel Power Filter It filters 400g per hour. It says it's for up to a 80g tank. The slots in the intake are really tiny, I don't think they could get sucked up. Edit: I have 2 fry a tiny bit bigger than the ones I am planning on putting in there. They hide all the time. Is that because there are only two of them or are the bigger fish harassing them?
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