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Ontario Member
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Everything posted by Hemi

  1. Albino DempseyI need a female anyone?
  2. Hey Mike Love the pleco :drool: Later Hemi
  3. cool pics Rudy question though what is 222? oh and :drool: Later Hemi Never mind figured it out LOL
  4. Hey shawn welcome to AA LOL Nice shots is the Midas a female? can't tell for sure from the pic I'm looking for a 8-10 inch female if you come across one and the syn is looking nice lots of red in the tail! Later Hemi
  5. I also had a nice pair of Sevs they spawned a few times and the male kept eating the eggs. so the next spawn I took the eggs. Male didn't like that so much killed the female. Pissed me right off!! anyway here's the male
  6. Congrats on the spawn again. lets hope you get to keep some this time oh and I must add :drool: :drool: Later Hemi
  7. I totally agree with supporting a lfs ifthe lfs is willing to support the hobbyist. In times past I have dealt with stores that were more than willing to watch suppliers lists for certain species and actually call me to let me know what he could get. Now the only local shops are either petsmarts or Big Als that will not. there is one shop that is neither but will still not let me know what he can get cause he says there is no market for what i'm looking for. As any serious hobbist would agree this is very annoying due to the fact that i would want at least 6 to try and get a pair. I wonder sometimes if some shop owners really care about their customers intrests. Ok rant over Hemi
  8. Hey wtac thats cool I live in Coldwater actually but I work out of Orillia. later Hemi
  9. exscuse me while i drool :drool: :drool: :drool:
  10. Hey all Just saw this thread . I live 20 mins outside of Orillia if they have a retail store I'll check em out and let everyone know what they are like. Later Hemi Hey all I just figured out who this is I have dealt with his store on a number of occasions. I don't deal with him that much anymore cause he doesn't deal in New World Cichlids. As far as the service for the online stuff he is a smart businessman and I would expect that service would be good Hemi
  11. hey all i was just wondering if I was the only one crazy enough to keep these guys? Osphronemus goramy I will post some pics when i can get some good shots Later Hemi
  12. your Jewel is going to cause you a lot of grief I had one that killed off 6 Oscars in the 10-12 inch range. The bloody Jewel was only 6-7 inches my advice would be to remove him to his own tank. Hemi
  13. Hey dude Had the same problem with mine. sometimes i had to keep sucking on the exhaust hose with it plugged in to get the thing to run right. hope this helps. Hemi
  14. I have had the same thing happen with Oscars and yes they do grow back although some times not as nice as the original. as to how long it depends of the fish,water quality my Oscars usually took a few weeks. hope this helps Hemi
  15. Hey all gotta crop a lot of my pics to get them to 100k heres one
  16. Hey all My thoughts are thus IF you want to find out what a cross or hybrid will look like and can get the fish in question to spawn go for it... BUT Do not under any circumstance sell the fry that you do not want. It can be infuriating to the buyer to buy a fish grow it up and find out they got screwed. I myself am a victim of this and although I enjoy the two i have, it bothers me that they are not what i bought. After putting the time and money in these fish i am attached to them and they will live out their lives in my tanks. The fact is it can be very discouraging to new hobbyists and in turn hurt our hobby. Hemi
  17. Hey all currently have ... Midas Green Terrors oscars albino Dempsey ports Carpinte temporalis Bifasciatum x synspilum x severum firemouths looking for ... Hatienensis Dovi Jags festae umbees most of rudy's list and pretty much any Central you can think of Hemi
  18. I also bring my koi in in the winter my rubbermaid as my ponds outside are above ground (only renting). My pond in the basement is 200 gal lost my biggest KOi to jumping too. I use a pondmaster filter with a Bell fountain. other than the one suicide i have had good luck with this setup still no cover though. Later Hemi
  19. Eggs ??? very cool would really be interested in fry. I have used the incomplete divider method before works well gives the females a needed quiet zone good luck Hemi
  20. Hemi


    Hey J My MIdas is coloured would love some barred though the biggest problem with being a Central addict is getting true strains in Canada. I have pics Ijust have to set up at photobucket or something like that any ideas? oh I just looked at my list and realized I forgot my Chocolate post pics soon Later Hemi
  21. UMBEES!!!! gimmie gimmie seriously though nice fish Hemi
  22. Hemi


    Hey J-roc and FreshMike To answer your question J-roc I currently have... Green Terrors Midas Oscars Firemouths severums dempsey ports convicts(doesn't everyone lol) Bifasciatum cross Synspilum cross Later Hemi
  23. Hemi


    Hey all Just found this forum I have been keeping and breeding Central and South Amercian Cichlids for around 20 years. I live in Coldwater Ontario my current fishroom has 20 tanks rangeing from 5 gal to 200 gal. I'm always looking for new species to work with. Hope to talk to a lot of you soon Later Hemi
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