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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Golfnut

  1. Ooh cool. So Garhan, you've used this with success? Thanks! andrew
  2. Hmmm ok sounds good. I'll leave it as is then... THANKS! Andrew
  3. I'll post a few more funny pictures once I have a chance to take them...maybe a video is better... anyway give me a few days.
  4. One day he lost one eye and was named "one-eyed jack". Three weeks later, he lost his other eye! Lucky for him, he is smart and can still eat...
  5. Hi there, I have a planted 45 gallon and I was thinking of removing my HOB filter entirely and just have a powerhead with co2 intake as the only form of water movement. Think my fish will live? I would only have baby mbunas 10 or so (1/2 inch) and 1 small pleco and maybe one yo-yo loach. Plants are... lots of vals, and cryptocorynes. Andrew
  6. Cool, I have all the items necessary, tank, rocks, gravel, vals, but no Tanganyika fish! LOL...
  7. HI all, I read this article, but Hartz no longer sells it in Canada. Anyone use stuff that can be found in Canada? http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/Fertilizer/litter-boingy.html I found some non-clumping all natural stuff from Walmart, but I don't know if it would work. Thanks, Andrew
  8. Pics as promised. I used a sharp hacksaw to cut as necessary.
  9. Hi, My 90 had the exact same problem, but cutting enough out of the trim made it fit in. I'll take a picture tonight once I get home for you. Regards, Andrew
  10. I found this website, it has lots of great aquarium articles. http://www.aquarticles.com -Andrew
  11. Jobes all the way! I just started putting them back in to see if this will improve my crypts growth...
  12. Hi there, :welcome: Any cool fish in the east? -Andrew
  13. That's cool, but I was thinking of building it into the site so that as people come in/out they could also join the live discussion, rather than everyone needing everyone elses msn email...
  14. Check out my reorganized 50 gallon. I had 8 zebras in it, but they didn't show well compared to these guys.
  15. You forgot cat litter. I guess other section... http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/Fertilizer/litter-boingy.html
  16. I think this would be cool to have an MSN style live chat system. That way any users could just chat about their fish with each other. I guess that is what CAS and ACE are for :beer:
  17. I have 2 black skirt tetras that survived from my first tank in my house 4.5 years ago.
  18. DO NOT BUY THE HOME DEPOT SHOP LIGHTS! I have 2 and they both died already ... only after 2 years use. The wallmart ones are $12ish for the fixture. The best deal I've seen on the bulbs is home depot. 2 Daylight delux 6500k for $6.
  19. Walmart is cheaper only $12.xx and does the same thing. I bought 2.
  20. I got Jobes at Walmart, but eventually I didn't need to use them. Just PMMD.
  21. Great pics! What camera do you use?
  22. I'm interested, please send a pic to me too... -Andrew
  23. I was wondering when it is summer again and it rains. Can I just grab some earthworms off the street and feed it to my texas and frontosa cichlids? Any downside to this? Thanks, Andrew
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