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Southern Alberta Member
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Everything posted by ABwildrose

  1. Hi, I was wondering if those memebers from Lethbridge, Coaldale, Taber etc would find it more helpful to be identified as Lethbridge and area rather that Med Hat and area. They are all probably closer to Calgary than they are to the Hat. It isn't really too big of a deal, but I am finding it hard to remember which people down south here are from which area. I was thinking in particular about Paculady, Rainmaker and the new person from Taber...I forget his name. As more people join it will probably make more of a difference.
  2. I am still trying to research enough so I don't ask ridiculously stupid questions lol My first thing I want to know about will be lighting stuff. My plans will be for a very small tank setup...enough for those hermit crabs or some shrimp. I could boot the betta out of the razzle tank I just got (I bought him a better home at the auction) or I could go with a 5 gal tank. I still don't know.
  3. wow...he does look like one of those balcony hecklers.
  4. I had a cichlid once knock himself out. At feeding time, he jumped and wacked his head on the glass top and just floated lifeless to the bottom. I watched and waited but he never recovered. My hubby says I should have reached in and grabbed him by the tail and swished him around gently to keep water going through his gills until he came to. Maybe that would have worked...I don't know.
  5. good idea...I will have to do that.
  6. Just a word of warning. The Won Bro titanium heaters are very handy because you can adjust the temp without having to put your hand in the tank. However, that means anyone can adjust the temp without too much difficulty :grr: My hubby brought a few friends over tonight. I got awakened by him at 0400 with "I think I may have cooked your fish". He was trying to turn the light on the tank to show someone my tank but he was turning the dial on the heater instead. Anyways, other that the initial shock of waking up to that statement, no harm was done. I showed him how to override the timer on the lights (he will never remember) and gave him explicit instructions not to touch that heater dial again (he will never remember). I couldn't get too mad tho....at least he had sense enough to come and get me. I guess he and his friend debated for a bit. Hmmm.....Which is worse... waking me at 4 am or me waking up to boiled fish. I think he made the right choice. lol
  7. Hi from Bow Island :welcome:
  8. I think it looks just like the pic Dean posted. Very impressive looking.
  9. That looks great, probably even better in person.
  10. that is looking great!! Wish I could have something like that!!!
  11. I was in the lfs in lethbridge the other day. Bruce had these absolutely gorgeous fish from Lake Vic. Prettiest cichlids I have ever seen. He said they were called red back scrapers. I looked them up at cichlid forum and the picture doesn't look nearly as nice as the real thing. Either the fish he has isn't really a red back scraper or the pic at cichlid forum isn't a good representation. Does anyone else have pictures of red back scrapers? I couldn't really find much browsing around the net.
  12. The male ameca splendens has a yellow edge on his back tail. If you have a male and a female, nature will just take its course. They are livebearers.
  13. The post is a little confusing...but I will see if I have this info correct. You have the frogs and ghost shrimp currently in an uncycled 2 gal tank and you are planning to get a 10 gal at a later date? Do you have a filter in with them at all? If you do, just leave them in the tank and change a bit of water every day or two, eventually it will cycle. Do not wash off the rocks or anything else in the tank. The good bacteria that keeps your water clean should actually grow on the rocks and stuff and you don't want to wash them off. Don't feed the frogs very much at all...better too little than too much. If you see uneaten food sitting on the bottom be sure to take it out so it doesn't foul the water. When you get your 10 gal tank, just move everything (including the filter and rocks and stuff) over to that and carry on with what you are doing. If they are starting in an uncycled tank anyway, 10 gal is probably better than 2 gal, so move them as soon as you get the chance. Keep changing a bit of water every day or two and gradually stretch it out so that you end up changing about 10%-20% once a week.
  14. very nice!!!! My favorite guppy is that one with the yellow front half and the red tail.
  15. ABwildrose


    I only wanted enough light suitable for low light plants. I don't want to mess with CO2 stuff. I suppose 2 of the larger bulbs would have been a better idea. Anyways, he said that those are the bulbs he had installed on all the tanks in his fishroom and I would never have to worry about them being out of stock or becoming obsolete...he would always be carrying that particular bulb.
  16. ABwildrose


    one more thing...they are 28watt bulbs. I notice in the pic, there is discoloration on the end of the top light bracket and also the third bulb. What is this from? Anything I need to be concerned about?
  17. ABwildrose


    This is my T5 setup. Rob from Animal World gave me the box for free if I bought the lights from him. I just had to paint the box. He told me the name of a place that worked with metal (was over in the industrial area down the street from the Husky). I brought the box to him, told him what I wanted it for and he made me a reflector and installed it in the box. Cost me 5$.
  18. ok, I guess the flower wasn't dying off....it just opens fully at night I guess here is a pic
  19. I never thought to take a pic. The flower was really nice yesterday...kinda dying off now. I am tempted to see if there are new plantlets coming, but don't want to disturb the roots. I can't really reach to the bottom of the tank, so I would have to pull the whole plant out pretty much to see if any are attached.
  20. ameca splendens I think are called butterfly goodeid. Has she had those babies yet?
  21. It probably isn't too accurate...I went looking through all my magazines to find it but I can't, but I do know I heard it somewhere. Anyways, it was only in relation to low light plants.
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