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Everything posted by FishBrain

  1. Excellent, good to know. All the fry that I have are growing fast and look very nice. Especially the Peacocks. I WONT feed the Flames to the turtle then. I will watch a few and see. AND so do you think the female will take to a different male?? Should I remove the dom. Male if I want to try this?
  2. Are these the babies that were being spit as you drove home from the CAS Auction??
  3. Is there a way to tell if inbreeding has occured?? I know with swordtails they seem to get smaller as they mix but what happens with cichlids?? Do they loose colour? Im just afraid that my peacocks might be inbreeding because i bought them at the same time. They were bought at the fall CAS Auction. two in the bag. Same with the flamebacks that I bought there. There was three in the bag and i've noticed that one of the males hasn't grown. his colours come out when the large male is hiding but quickly pales out when it is swimming around. I just stripped 35 babies out of the female and if they are not going to grow as big I will just feed them to my turtle. But i would much rather not. I got a new male from a dif. breed and am also wondering if the female would take to a new male? Thanks in advance
  4. Well..... I guess they wern't ready because they ate them. will try again
  5. WOOHOO!! got home from the Hitmen game last night to find a couple angels battling. The male (I KNOW THAT NOW) would shoot from his corner to other side just to attack another Upon further inspection i could see the female placing the eggs onto the side corner of the tank. very cool. the have a light yellow tint to them. is that normal or are they supposed to be dark yellow?? :ml:
  6. I had something happen to one of mine similar to that. I feel real bad for you. Sunshine peacock?? if so i will give you a couple fry if you like to try to replace it with :ml:
  7. The problem with the snakeheads is when they get hungry they tend to eat whatever they want to. If their food fish is too big then they will eat whatever they can fit in their mouth. Mine had started eating 5 med. goldfish per day!! became very expensive, and it was only 8" or so in size. I found that if it is hungry it will eat no matter what. even its own kind. I had a Redline so it is one of the biggest and baddest but as I am finding out almost any of them are likly to eat everything! They are mostly a fish that you want to keep alone or only with others you dont mind it eating. :ml:
  8. A good friend of mine swears by canisters, he has an under gravel system and has the hose hooked right up to it. It sucks water from under the rocks and puts back in on top. Seems to keep his gravel very clean. I my self prefer the AC 500's. Easy to clean, cheap and they still do a fantastic job. Only downfall I find is the tank cannot be against the wall.
  9. Now all you need is a cat and a bird lol :rofl: :rofl: sorry HOSS...had to :ml:
  10. I think it is a great idea. A friend and I were talking about starting planted tanks, we figured that it would look really nice as opposed to having all of them full of fish. I think ten gallon is perfect (of course thats what im using) I'd be happy to send in a picture when I'm finished for a contest, especially if garhan is willing to pitch in a prize like that!! I say go for it, have that contest....lol :ml:
  11. Already have. I did that on Saturday, as soon as I say her eating. :ml:
  12. Well I'd been contemplating stripping her over the last week. Came home from the Hitman game friday night and found that she had spit while I was out. Glad I separated her from the group, counted 24 and found 1 dead in the morning. Now I have 23 sunshine peacock fry!! Pretty happy that they lived this time :thumbs: wonder if the flamebacks are going to try again soon? :ml:
  13. What I did with the rocks i picked in the mountains was soak them over night and let them dry and I found that the ones with metal deposits rusted and those were the ones that I kept out of the tank. you will find the rust on the rocks as you pull them from the water.
  14. So far all is good. He now has some tank mates of the same breed. I kind of looks like his barbels are groing but he doesnt give a long time to see. I think he know i want a picture so he wont let me have one
  15. I would agree with everyone else for the stores of choice. Cant go wrong Chums, Golds, or riverfront. I myself like the Africans. I would like to meet someone who can change my mind tho. would like to hear why. I would suggest checking the buy, sell, trade here. You can find a tonne
  16. Wow..Ok so I will wait them out then ty
  17. lol...Yeah I guess. Costs more than hockey tho. :ml:
  18. How long after they are put together should I expect them to start doing their thing?
  19. OK, so this is whats going on that I can tell. Flameback and Peacock are both holding, and I just moved them into a 10G to spit. I have a some electric yellows and dont have a clue what the sex is. How can you tell sex of the electric yellows. and i seem to understand they are mouth brooders aswell. I also have a couple Cobalt blue that I was told were male and female. From what I can tell they are. Are they mouthers also?Should I look fr the same signs as the flameback?? :ml:
  20. Wow...what a recovery!! He is doing very well and so I went out to Chums and picked up some friends for him. I am trying to get a picture of his mouth for every one to see. The only barbs he has are 4 tiny whiskers on his chin. Healed up and doing well. will post pic as soon as it taken :thumbs:
  21. OKAYYYYY, Still alive and doing very well.. nose is all healed and colour is coming back!!!!! a liitle more lazy thanbefore but no complaints since he is still alive!!!! :flex: no more treatment and lets see how things workout THANKS ALL :beer: :thumbs:
  22. Good luck to that!! I hope it works out for you. How many angels and how long have you had them?
  23. I never did say hi and introduce myself, and you all have helped me so much :bow: :bow: Thank You Mathew's the name. I work For KonicaMinolta, as an IT Technician, been there 4 years. I live in Calgary, Have for the past 9 years. I have a beautiful wife, and three kids. Always wanted fish and without there being any hockey got my chance to start. Got a small tank for my daughter then another THEN I got an AMAZING deal on the two large tanks 75 and 55 with ALL the fixins even acouple big fish for $100 (wife's uncle). and thats where im at for now
  24. OHHHHHH....it looks soooooo horrible He is doing ok so far. relaxes alot more though (dont really blame him) Am treating tank but i ran out and dont get paid till monday :boxed:
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