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Everything posted by FishBrain

  1. I am Glad I was away so that didnt happen. But if I was around I know I would have done the same. Christmas is a fat time in my fishtanks.
  2. The way I have begun to look at it is if the crabs claws go to points then they are going to eat living things, zoos, worms. but if the claws go to little pads instead of tips then they will eat more algae./ Someone will correct me if I am wrong.
  3. I freeze fish that are sick. then toss them. I also freeze fish that are unwanted or wont get eaten so I can add them to my home brew fish food.
  4. Not sure about the legallity but I think that it would be tough to keep your tank cold enough for them, that is unless you mean purchasing them from a store there and shipping them here, then I believe that would be perfectly fine.
  5. They dont close for many Christian holidays. Xmas is the only one I think.
  6. wouldn't hurt to double up on the Aqua Plus either. I do both melafix/aquaplus Just to be safe. worked well for the ID sharks.
  7. mmmm Polystigma :drool: Very nice fish
  8. OH yes if it smells like that it is dead. You will know the one that moved is probably the one inside the shell real deep. What kind of snails? You might be able to replace it. But if she really cares she will notice.
  9. Not sure if there is a starter present in those lights but I would try that first! cheap and usually the thing to go if its not the lights.
  10. I second that!! they work great in my tanks
  11. Dont say that! Dang now 2 of you have said. Now I dont want to get another from them. Fix it myself and know it is done.
  12. I know it sure looks like one but I bought it from friends who had it brought in from China. It all came as a package. I have called AG to find out how much a new one is, so I can compare it to the price of repairing it.
  13. OH HOW I WISH!! Here is what the crack is like now. I believe we touched the wrong part of the door on the way in. Problem was with the thin doors we had to turn it on its front. The brown stand hides it a bit.
  14. So this is my beautiful BBT. (Big Broken Tank) It took me a few days to get over the shock. Then I finally had my day of being mad as Hell. Happened to be Sunday when I went to pee and came back to a tank overflowing! I was already upset and that was the spark on my Gasoline! So after I got everything cleaned up. No damage, just wet carpet. (basement tank :bow: ) Finished off my tank cleanings and had a beer. The tank was a pain to get in and ofcourse the crack got bigger and badder. I had to take the stand apart and get it in through the back door. Got it wedged in the front door and had to call the neighbour to get it back out. Who would have thought...I live on the only street in this country that has 31.5" front and back doors?? Any way here it is
  15. :drool: Sorry that is all I can do.
  16. I have the Teklight with HO T5's and they are great. Real cheep to run as well. I have the manual at home with the specs for power usage if you would like to see it. You can come get it when you are getting my 33G salt
  17. anyone interested in helping me get it into the house? Cant do any more damage I dont think.
  18. I have 3 Channa bleheri 1 Channa Gachua 2 African butterfly fish 1 Rope fish
  19. I am thinking I agree. or one of the nicest terrariums, expensive but nice
  20. Lighting depending on what you want to keep in it. Live rock for filtration. And If I understand correctly you kill ALL beneficial bacteria if you bring up the salinity to fast.
  21. Here are a couple pics Where the Y split begins is what the cold did to it last night
  22. I will get a picture tonight. The stand is very well supporting for the entire bottom of the tank except where the overflow is at the back.
  23. Trying to get it into the house. We had to turn it on its side and when we set it down inside the door it went. The bottom of the tank has an 8" crack in it. Looking at it, it looks like when it went into the truck it must have hit the seat hook or something. FING sucks A little pissed at the moment. And I dont even have a beer in the house.
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