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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by jnite

  1. Thanks everybody...I'll probably go with the sterbai's as suggested and some marble hatchets as they are smaller. And not sure yet I do like the bleeding heart suggestion as I do love them.....but I do like the ram/apisto idea as I have never kept them......hmmmm What about a pleco?? Just stick with a brislenose?? What about a fancy south american pleco...I have a vampire and a mustard spot in my 77 gal, what about a gold nugget or panaque or will they decimate my plants?
  2. The 40 would be too small for discus though wouldn't it? What about some hatchets for the top? If pandas wouldn't work would another type of cory work better, I just prefer the cories.
  3. I have a 40 gallon tall that is planted, I am putting cardinals in it. Just wondering what else might go good with them looks and compatability. I was thinking maybe some rams of some sort? Any other suggestions? I am probably gonna put some panda cories for the bottom.
  4. I will see if I can get a pic, but you know how that goes.lol And no he's not a bristlenose, he's already probably 8 inches long. My bad I forget what kind he is, ummm he has really large scales, larger than most. I Will see if I can find the species. He is an L138, with the large scales
  5. I have a pleco with light brown something on him, by his nose. It almost looks like somebody just put brown paper on that spot. I've never seen anything like this before and was just wondering if anybody might know what it is?
  6. just wondering if you need a license for these? Somebody told me they had to get a license to get them but as far as I know you can have any fish without a license. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the link. I'm still wondering if anybody around keeps them though.
  8. Just wondering if anybody keeps archerfish? Would also like to see pics of the tanks you have them in and how they're set up.
  9. I guessed the swords right away. IME most swords have been nippers.
  10. I've only ever used fluvals and I love them. Still have the very first one we bought 10 years ago and it still works great. Though i just have it sitting because the new ones have the primer, much better than trying to get it going every time.
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