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Everything posted by EowynJane

  1. LoL - good ideas I like the thought of the shellies though I'm not 100% sure I'm even going to go with fish. Either way I am sticking to the fresh water side for sure... I have to keep this relatively low cost and I don't have any salt stuff at all. All of my tanks are planted... I love my plants. My endler tank is an absolute jungle!
  2. I was given a tank the other day, it measures 12 1/2" wide, 16 1/2" tall and a whopping 29 3/4" long to the outside of the glass. If that's the correct way to measure it works out to slightly over 26 gallons. Now what to do with it??? I already have Endlers w/ shrimp, dwarf puffers w/ a BN and lab and aceii w/ a BN. I'm looking for suggestions and I'm open to fish, reptiles and all sorts of aquatic and semi aquitic pets. I'd love to have a crayfish or mud skippers or a lizard if the tank is big enough... anything but snakes or spiders. Suggestions? (I'm sticking with freshwater btw..)
  3. I have RCS in plain Edmonton tap water and they are breeding slowly but fine. I posted in the buy/sell a few weeks ago, I'm not sure what grade they are. Message me if you still want some.
  4. How do you let them take a break?
  5. I have yellow labs and acei in a 55 gallon, I've noticed some of my fish have verticle stripes on them. I'm not sure what they are but I've heard of cichlids getting something called breeding bars? They sure are breeding, but I'm also worried that they could be a sign of stress... anyone know how to tell for sure?
  6. I had a gimpy Endler (named Gimpy) who had a rounded spine, it went along the curve of her body instead of going straight out. I was going to keep her because she looked to be getting along fine, but then she became gravid and I couldn't risk that it might be a genetic defect and be passed on to her fry. I would have ended up with tanks of gimpy Endlers. I know Endlers are very common but it was hard to do it.
  7. I've had very good experiences with the Humane Society... when I was a girl we adopted a small dog from them who lived to be 13 years old. Later as a young adult I adopted one of my current dogs, Kelly (the smaller one in my avatar), who is now 14.5. ALL dogs require work, unfortunately they don't come out-of-the-box-ready-trained (I wish!). Please consider a rescue, as mentioned before they are usually fostered in a loving home and have been through personality evaluations, usually they've already started on the training and have them fixed. Also, if, for whatever reason, the adoption doesn't work out, they'll usually take the animal back. You can't lose. Here's a list of rescues in Alberta... I cruise them on a regular basis, just can't help myself. http://www.canadasguidetodogs.com/abrescue.htm
  8. I still can't get this filter to work! It sounds like it's running, it feels like it when I put my hand on the cannister, but nothing comes out the output! I'm thinking I'll have to take it apart and look at the impeller but I really have no idea what to look for. Anyone?
  9. Wow, great job, the results are very interesting! Really lights a fire under my behind to get that second filter working on my 55g!
  10. Less then 2" is pretty young and may not have much for "bushes" yet. Look for a full ring around the tip of the nose and any that start on the upper nose and between the eyes as it matures. As for feeding they're not picky in my experience. Love blanched zucchini, the occasional meaty treat of frozen foods (I feed bloodworms and brine shrimp to my puffers so that's what my BN gets), shrimp pellets... algae wafers are a MUST, there is not enough algae in your tank to sustain a BN. I like... oh those really popular ones, I'm drawing a blank on the brand right now. Also, make sure you have driftwood in your tank, BN's MUST have driftwood in their diet.
  11. I think you're fine, it's been a long time since I've used anything other then Prime but I believe Top Fin is clear as well.
  12. I believe it is filled with water already, everything is connected and I've had both hoses in the tank. It just won't catch.
  13. I'm missing that little bottom piece and the ball! I feel like a nitwit, that would be a problem. I noticed it wasn't on the intake when I hooked them up but didn't think to much of it, often products can be a little difference when purchased at different places/time. But if it needs that piece to prime then missing it would be a big problem. I was sucking on the output like crazy, not fun with a sinus infection, and just couldn't figure out for the life of me why it wouldn't catch. :chair: Ggggrrrr! Does anyone know where I can get those pieces?
  14. I'll see if I can get it filled, what do you mean by ball in the intake? This is only my second fluval.
  15. I had to go on a trip for business and didn't get a chance to set the filter up before tonight. Everything is hooked up and looks good but I can't get it to prime I think part of my problem is that I didn't follow the directions exactly and tried to prime it at first with the output under water. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions to get it going? I don't remember having this problem with my first one.
  16. Yeppers it was! And really jammed!
  17. How old is your test kit? Those results don't look accurate if it is a very established tank, you shouldn't have any ammonia or nitrItes. Did you do a big water change just before you tested it? Congrats BTW
  18. I got it! I put it between my knees and squeezed, then pulled with both hands. There was a little pop and it came out about an inch, I gave another good pull and it came out all the way. Now it just needs to be given a little cleaning and I can add it to the tank! Thanks for your help everyone!
  19. Good point, thanks I don't have much experience with this sort of thing.
  20. Had someone who is coming later then expected (~1.5 hours later) to get some shrimp, unfortunately I had them bagged up before I got the message. How long can I keep them in the bag if I float it and exchange some water? I really don't want to go through catching them all again, it's a PITA with a ton of very curious Endlers.
  21. If you don't want to take a chance at the auction try getting a hold of Fairdeal. I got mine from him and they are very nice.
  22. That's what I've been hearing... it seems to be flat on top so I'm thinking it must just be jammed in there really bad. Does anyone have any ideas how to get it out without damaging it? It is really really stuck!
  23. I have the instructions, they're no help.
  24. Those look great Boas! After reading this I'm wishing I could somehow pinch the end of the tile cave I'm making. Oh well, I won't be trying to breed, just giving my pleco a place of his own. Please let us know how everything turns out
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