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Fishful Thinking

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Everything posted by Fishful Thinking

  1. Thanks for all of the help. I am weighing the options right now. The main concern right now is finding a tank that fits where we want it to go and convincing my wife that when I promised to stop at two tanks, I was a complete and total liar and that she shouldn't hold that against me.
  2. A Target Playsand 25 kg bag is $5.77 plus tax at Totem. I picked some up today. I washed it really good a couple of times and it went in without clouding the water at all.
  3. I agree with Jerry. I had yoyos in my planted tank and they decimated the pond snails that were infesting it. To my knowledge they didn't eat the plants. They are a bit agressive, though.
  4. The pea puffer is a great call. Saw some at Aquarium Enthusiasts...massive temptation! We still need to buy the setup for the tank, though.
  5. I actually got the inspiration for this tank when I was in Nature's! I'm thinking it will go in one of our kitchen's corner shelves.
  6. I think they are just a loach, a small one though. Thanks for the help, Nick. Do you know who sells dwarf cories?
  7. I am looking at putting a small tank together with the following combination so far: Dwarf Rasbora Dwarf Botia Pygmy Corydoras Two questions: 1. Will these be compatible? 2. Are there any other dwarf/pygmy varieties of fish that would work in this tank? Thanks.
  8. Looks fantastic! What type of other fish are you going to be throwing in there?
  9. The angels are looking good. I'm interested to see what the tanks will look like in a few months.
  10. Hey, don't you try to get me into any more trouble than I am in already. I might have accidently bought 6 more rainbowfish for our tank...oops.
  11. That's only $7.50 per cardinal! You can spin it that these are "survivor" fish. Doesn't that raise the price like when you have wild caught fish? :shifty:
  12. Sure...I left it at the Sherwood Park Library for you. Just make sure you have it back in two weeks.
  13. Congrats on getting a fish you really enjoy! It's cool to see such enthusiasm. One word of caution, however... Let's not do anything drastic here, ok. Harry needs your support now more than ever!
  14. Yeah, I've done some serious searching in the tank and I am pretty sure they are in shrimpy heaven right now. I'm thinking it might have happened when they molted. I'm not blaming anyone in particular. I just got rid of my cabomba instead.
  15. There's something in the water at your place...suspicious... Congrats on all of the little guys! It's funny how all of this happens when you had just shut those tanks down. That's life, eh?
  16. Not only was it hot here again today, but my power went off for two and a half hours! I was not having fun... :grr:
  17. "10,000 gallon water changes every week "!!!!! That's incredible!
  18. You do have a lot of "street cred" with her...good point. Even if the jvision brand-name doesn't work, I think this is a cost effective solution which she will probably go for. Thanks, J.
  19. Very nice! I have one tying to make its way out of my tank right now. I was talking to Henry at Nature's corner and he wasn't exactly sure how they reproduce. If you get seeds, let me know.
  20. Thanks, Jason. The fish are looking a lot better today. I know I have to get a quarantine tank. My wife is suspicious of another tank...
  21. I've noticed some of my rainbows have mouth fungus and some fin damage. I added melafix, turned up the heat and added airation. But now my cories and parotocinclus are looking listless. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  22. How old is your nitrate tester? I read somewhere that a zero nitrate reading could be an indication that your test kit is past its prime. Just a thought...
  23. Are these your Boesmani fry? I would be interested to see what they look like as fry. Best wishes for you as you teach them the ways of the world. They grow up so fast...
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