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Everything posted by Murminator

  1. Thats gonna be a cool little set up
  2. .....add about 53 cups of salt and 100 pounds and live rock the shop on the other side of the fish store were everyone ooohs and aaahs :P J/K I like the yellow and the blue ones and that red one in Golds breeder tank....thats about all I know about cichlids :shock:
  3. Cool pics Josh ..... and with your height you could walk out pretty damn far before you got your "buddies" wet :rofl:
  4. I'll agree I had to get a loach before because my snails got out of hand and the 1st thing he ate was all the smaller shrimp he did leave the big big ones alone but you could never find big ones so I would buy a medium one and he would eat it. so I give up on them till I got rid of the loach.
  5. I am not a sump professional or anything but you sump design with the overflow to the storm drain incase or power failure is this a good thing? I would think that when the power comes back on the skimmer and the pump would run dry and sit there a gurgle if your extra water goes down the drain. Shouldn't you just have a lower water level or a bigger sump to accomidate it extra water? not to pick holes in your design just a concern
  6. Sorry for your loss. For future you should run to smaller heaters rather than 1 larger (IE 2X50w rather than 1X100w) and change them out every year or 2, someone on one of the boards will buy them. Then if one sticks on it will not heat then tank up to do any real damage or if one conks out it will not cool down enough either. I know it more of a pain to hide 2 heaters but with things like this happening it is worth it.
  7. Good ol tap water here.....hmm I did just suffer through a dino bloom in one tank but I think it was in part to laziness just about gone now though
  8. Sexy shrimp they add nice color and they are cool the way they will hop up on a mushroom and dance away
  9. Thanks 2 50w heaters 1 keep one at a little lower temp in case 1 craps out then the back up will kick on. The powersweep 212 has the foamy on it and the mini has foam and carbon. 55W power compact lights PC lights except mine are 55w. I keep frogspwans, hammers, candy canes, zoos, mushrooms, ricordia. Start out with like mushrooms and other LPS. I would do mushrooms first you can get them for next to nothing on canreef. BUT do research 1st you can never learn to much HTH
  10. Exactly.... I have 2 nanos currently running 1 has cheap 55w pc lights a powersweep powerhead and AC mini thats it. Once it is set up it is easier maintaining than my FW. I cannot keep a FW plant if my life depended on but corals are no problem It is a hobby that can get outta hand every day/week/month you can go out and buy bigger and badder to get better yields. Just start out small and ghetto and find your out for self. If the wife would give me the word all the FW would be ripped down tomorrow and changed to SW Here is a pic of my cheap 20g thats was on a tight budget overseen buy the wife (she had doubts too) oh and a little video too 20g video
  11. Mine has been in there since May no problems but algae likes it
  12. I have some of that rock along with the green rocks also in my tank. I got from a stream in Glac.....ummm a store in Montana amazing color. I put it in the freezer of our camper then when I got home I boiled it before putting in my tank
  13. I dunno 1st time I ever seen one. Everyone on here is always talking about them so I thought the albino was pretty cool so I passed it on. what are they normally worth? From peoples response they must be cheap not that I would ever buy one being FW and everything :P
  14. Big Als Edmonton has albino BN Plecos for $36.99 they had about 50 or so all about 2.5" Thought I would pass on
  15. I thought those were pacus? the ones that were upper level by the ice rink outside the old palace casino?
  16. Welcome Cliff....aka Dabbler :beer:
  17. The wife and I have the following names for our fish.....no laughing True Perc.....Omen (Nemo backwards) Golden head goby....Digger (cause he is a sand sifter) Firefish.....Spike (due the spike on his back) Emerald crab......Jade (cause he is well...green) 2 green chromis.....green dudes...... :P Too numerous FW fish to name.....and they are only FW :tongue:
  18. Why would your type of substrate have any difference on your high nitrate level? Rudy, forget about lions and triggers in that small of a tank, start looking at gobies, damsels and crustaceans. The CC seems to trap more crap it that build up you can see air bubbles that build up along the glass and when my goldenhead is sifting he release the air into the water colum which I think is nitrates. There is also a lot of junk and coraline grown along the substrate and the glass. I also have a 29 gal with sand and I have no substrate/nitrate problems
  19. I don't run a skimmer on my 20g I run a small powersweep and a AC mini and 21 LBS of live rock with 2X 55w 50/50 power compacts. This system has work excellent for me except my nitrates run at 20 ppm which is ok mainly due to the fact I have crushed coral instead of sand. I had my lights and substrate for months and months I was to chicken to jump in when I did I regreted that I didn't do it earlier. It is a lot easier than it sounds, I seem to run a better sw than a fw. Just jump in with both feet and start getting everything cycled Any questions just asked here or on Canreef.....I seen you posted the same there.
  20. I don't trust hitchiker crabs. You could try putting him in your sump.
  21. I have funkyfishes phone number I'll PM *edit* opps it's on canreef :cuss:
  22. SWEET :thumbs: What kind of lights you running?
  23. Love that blue knee any plans for coral? maybe zoos or 'shrooms
  24. I have recently upgraded now running a mini and 500 to 2 seperate tanks at 1.027 no probs
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