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Everything posted by Froggie

  1. I'd settle for my Rays to eat any pelleted food. It's yet to happen and starving most certainly didn't work.
  2. Some of them did have lighting but a great number didn't have any on.
  3. Anyhow the general point was that without any lighting in the enclosures it was difficult enough to clearly see a few of the reptiles through the glass, let alone take pictures.
  4. Included the snakes though and they were most definately hard water stains from misting, not to mention it was pretty through on both the inside and the out.
  5. Was going on the basis that the glass would only be cleaned perhaps once or twice a week. Given the state it was in, I'd guess it's closer to a month or two.
  6. Aside from the venomous reptiles, 10 minutes a week per enclosure?
  7. This past weekend I made a visit to Reptile World in Drumheller for the first time. While I enjoyed my visit, I must admit I do wish the glass on the enclosures was significantly cleaner. As it was I didn’t take too many shots but felt I ought to share a few of what I did. I apologize about the tighter framing in most, the utilitarian décor wasn’t very inspiring so I tried to keep it out of the pictures. All pictures were taken with a Nikon D50, 105mm f/2.8D and SB600 flash and there was no cropping. Enjoy!
  8. As if the fishing in Florida isn't interesting enough these days! What do you want to catch, Peacock Bass? Gar? Burmese Pythons? They got it all.
  9. Most stores ought to carry them, I've heard the Eheim brand feeders often recommended. However they're quite pricey. If the vacation isn't overly long I would suggest just starving them for the period, or having your neighbor come in once or twice to dump a, pre-sized, portion of food into the tanks.
  10. I look forward to seeing Northern Pike in the store next order.
  11. Very nice, I love zoos and macro work. Could have used a hair more DOF though.
  12. I'd guess a polar-bear in a snowstorm, but our background isn't white. Your picture didn't attach mate'
  13. I was just leafing through an issue the other day, the quality seems to have improved significantly from where it was just a year or two ago.
  14. Nice picture, but try to restrict them to 800 pixels in width in the future.
  15. I wouldn't recommend using it on Vinyl. Aquapon, which is one of the products most commonly used, can be quite harsh on plastics. It can eat through the plastic paint-trays to say the least.
  16. Similar research has shown that they prove ineffective against both gar and Polypterus species in a 75 gallon.
  17. Anyone making a trip to Saskatoon in the near future?
  18. Tsk, I'm completely innocent and kind. Always!
  19. I found this cute little jumping spider while I was BBQ'ing burgers for lunch. Shots are 1:1, Nikon 105mm f/2.8 with natural light.
  20. Of course there is. However, the demand is not particularly high and the payscale is often, as I stated, too low to be "paid reasonably". That was my only point.
  21. Please limit the width of your pictures to 800 pixels in the future.
  22. Both really, though my approach to the aquarium hobby doesn't work as well with photography! Saltwater is something I’ll inevitably get into, if not only for the invertebrates. To be honest while beautiful most of the fish don’t interest me.
  23. I like it! Best childrens story since "Dick does Jane".
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