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Everything posted by HOSStile

  1. The Laguna green water clarifier is or was sold at Home Depot and Rona. I used it when I had an algae bloom in my pond. As someone said it does clump up the pea soup into balls for removal. IMO it doesnt seem to work as effectively on aquariums, I tried in on a tank that was left in the sun all weekend with plant lights and infrequent water changes (not my tank) and at the time when I put the laguna stuff in, you could not see an electric yellow and a green terror in the tank. It cleared somewhat but but not the same way my pond did (temperature?) Again the biggest hazard of an algae bloom is the deprivation of oxygen to the fish. This may sound harsh but I would remove all fish and plants from the tank and "shock"it with swimming pool chlorine.The chrorine will disappate after 3 or 4 days or you could drain, refill and test. Harold
  2. My education in microbiology would make me say no. We used to culture stuff at about 95 -100 degrees, but I would still add cycle if I had some handy. BTW I have a sub male daffodil that is getting grief from the dom male lately because the dom male has finally decided to shack up with the female. You can have him, my contribution, if we can figure out how to get him to Edmonton. Regards Harold
  3. Thanks for the advice. I probably have been feeding too much. Lord knows I don't want the fish as fat as I am. My wife has plumped me up plenty with Asian cooking, fattening me up for the insurance. Just Kidding Dear. :chair: Thanks Neil
  4. Neil I am asking you this on the forum rather than pming you in case other people have the same question. As you know I just got some NLS, thanks again Tom, and it says the standard thing about feeding twice a day all that fish can eat in a minute and a half. Prior to this I have been feeding all my fish Tetra Tropical crisps. They say 3 times a day what the fish will eat in 3 minutes. Now they (TetraMin) say that you should feed 1 tropical crisp for every 1 inch of fish. Now another statement has been made that a fish's stomach is around the same size as their eyes. My question is because 1mm NLS is so much smaller than a tropical crisp should a NLS pellet be based on 1 per inch of fish 2 per inch whatever. As African Fever and you have both said we generally overfeed our fish, and I think my fish could eat an awlful lot of NLS in 90 seconds. Any recommendations that you or others could give the rest of us would be helpful and surely appreciated. PS all my fish love NLS with the exception of my 6 inch male nyerei who still sits and waits for the flakes to drift down. Regards :thumbs: Harold
  5. I agree with African Fever. It is exciting the FIRST time
  6. HOSStile

    Hi folks

    Hi Pat from Calgary, I will be the first to tell you that live bearers aren't the only ones proficient at making babies. I wish my fish could keep their fins crossed or their holes plugged whatever....... :welcome:
  7. My wife takes in kids during the day and works evenings. She has the knack of always netting out the moms just before they spit. I think they know by now and practically jump in the net for her. I have told her not to net the aulonacara hybrids and I guess we will see if she listens. Right now I have 2 OBs holding and my pulchers are tearing fish to shreds when they come near their cave. The only place that sex isn't going on is the 10 gal with the 2 gouramis and the other is the place most married guys know about.
  8. Well my second Pun Nyerei female horked up another 35 kids....... The fun and the novelty is definitely wearing off. As I write this I am watching my male who is always blood red is shaking his @$$ off at the other female. I can tell you she must be a strong swimmer constantly have to swim against the current of his thrashing tail. I look at my juvey tank to see another 35 1 inch juveys swimming around already trying to decide who is boss and probably picking out sex partners.....sigh. Well back to feeding, got 2 more tanks to go.
  9. This has been my first attempt at breeding these guys. Left big fat female in 10 gallon by herself for 2 weeks. Turned down a/c to minimum and put in male and split styro cup. I cover the front of the tank because breeder is in basement and they were pretty skittish when we went past the tank. I looked into tank and siphoned out half of water.(weekly water change) saw what looked like blue bubbles inside cup. I came back down with bucket of fresh water and noticed that bubbles,eggs? were gone. Should I forgo water changes will they are doing their thing and should I remove them when I see eggs? Your help as always is much appreciated. :well:
  10. My name was of course the dog show as in mutt
  11. Sorry Rudy I see that now, will use them instead. :bang1:
  12. Sorry just the blue ones, looking at Canadbis B. Z in his post I looked around and while I could find them banded none have the dark fin tips mine has.
  13. I am almost afraid to ask but I will. is the orange fish a maylandia estherae (red zebra) juvey? I want to say for the record that any hybrid fish will never show up for sale. I would rather be mildly embarassed by you, than publicly humiliated by perfect strangers.
  14. Damm I hit the tab key and ended my post... I know we shouldn't rely on others for their brains rather than using the ones we were given, but what I am saying after the fish is at home and it sorta looks like half the pictures on the internet and completely different than the other half. I know I would not knowingly sell a mutt and if I saw some examples of some frankenfish would not buy them either. I enclose for you perusal, what someone called a maylandia callainos or cobalt zebra that I bought at the last CAS auction.
  15. With everything thats happened lately, I think we should have a forum to post pictures of fish we have serious questions about. The experts (they know who they are) could have a look and give the less educated (aka. dumb-asses ....Me being Poster Boy) some insight into what we ..... A: Bought at the auction because it looked pretty though we had no idea what it was supposed to look like. B. Bought from an ad in the bargain finder where some guy will tell you the fish just got off the plane from Africa. C. You found it in the BOW river and it looked lonely
  16. Thanks guys for the help.
  17. the male is over 4 inches and the female about 2.5 inches. I bought them at the breeders auction last October. Mind you ,the guy that sold them wrote 1m 2f on the bag and it turned out that 2 were male.
  18. and a shot of male and female
  19. Here is another shot of the male.
  20. I will try to get one. every time I use the flash it is terrible and without the flash exposure time is terribly long. (blurs) Thank you
  21. I know Canadbis (hi Mathew ) and we were discussing this very topic. I bought these from the breeders auction and was told they were Aulonocara baenschi. I would like your opinion, African Fever,and I know the picture is bad. Thanks in advance. Also I heard it can be a long time (2 years ) before the males color changes? Is this true? I look forward to your presentation at the CAS meeting. Regards Harold
  22. I have my cory in with Hap Nyerei (I know Lake Vics) sunshine peacocks, OBs afras and some tangs. Sometimes they chase him but he doesn't take them too seriously. See picture. He likes sitting on this rock kinda laid back. He really seems completely indifferent to other fish and the other fish ignore him now, even when they are busy chasing each other around. The rock that he sits on is directly in the middle of the tank. He really seems to enjoy watching the antics of the Africans. Because I already have enough corys in my other tank I see no reason to move him now. Harold
  23. First I will have to admit that to me pleco were something you bought and actually only saw in your tank on rare occasions. I now however have gotten to appreciate the vast variety of plecos. I know that my pleco in my 55 is a chocolate or cocoa pleco but I do not remember the name for this guy in my 20 other than Gus (what I call him) Your help would be welcome. Harold
  24. Could you not put the light array inside a plexi box that would keep the water away from the leds and make the whole thing easy to clean. For cooling mount 1 or more muffin fans on top. I have a bunch of 2 inch 24 volt dc fans you can have or you can source the 12 volt ones for about 10 bucks at a computer store. Harold
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