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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by HOSStile

  1. vantqE uhhh..... mmmmm...........I couldn't have said it better
  2. In my 40s born in Calgary welcome :beer:
  3. Sorry I meant this as a joke. There are of course Nyerei in there and about a dozen Aulonocara Baenschi fry. The little ones are newer arrival nyerei.
  4. Sorry guys I just have to do this then I will shut up
  5. I know there is a lot we could discuss here a few being, 1. Filtration as in UV sterilizers, Bio Filters, Multi chamber filters, the crappy piece of foam rubber that comes with the pumps. 2. Which brings us to pumps ,which are good? which are bad? are there alternatives to to the little over priced pumps? swimming pool pumps, sump pumps, what have you. 3. And of course the fish, last year my comets that I bought from Petsmart for 39 cents 2 year earlier started to have babies, unfortunately because of bad filtration they got sick and 10 of 14 adults died. I saw no sign of illness in any of the fish until I found them belly up. The rest I saved in a "hospital" tub. I bought a beautiful koi at the last breeders auction and put them in a tub where I was now holding my healthy comets. The one thing I didn't know was koi like to jump. I have a tub next to my goldfish that held plants. I looked for the koi the next morning and found it in with the plants. I attributed this to me losing my mind or excessive rye, or something. I put him back in the tub with the comets. We found him dead on top of the plants in the plant tub, he had been unable to wiggle off the floating vegetation, and get into the water. I just told you all this in the hope that we establish a viable forum in which to discuss problems and share stories and pictures of our "outdoor" aquariums Harold :beer:
  6. We have 2 siberian dwarf hamsters and 5 guniea pigs. We got the 5th recently because a co-worker had 2 and 1 died after 4 years together. I have to say that he (the guniea pig) after growing up with a male has sure gone to town on my 2 females. He is one sexy senior. :heart:
  7. Cool looking lizard, like the enclosure as well, excuse my ignorance but what is its common name? :well:
  8. I've come a long ways since my first 99 dollar Walmart pond, well ok, I made the long hole 3 times longer and put a little bridge over it so my niece could cross over to the sandy area on the other side. Anyway just feeling out this forum for any interest in ponds and pond fish.
  9. Being as we are approaching spring some of our thoughts turn to our "outdoor aquariums." I think my goldfish must be getting extremely tired of swimming around and around in a couple of tubs in the basement for the last 6 months, not to mention dizzy. I wish I knew when I dug my first long hole in the backyard,3 years ago, what I know now. (see picture)
  10. Thank you, it was a lot of fun to build. I am adding this picture for MANAGERIE of our Siberian dwarf hamsters. (1 shown) We have the following pets in our "zoo". 5 Guniea pigs 2 Siberian dwarf hamsters 1 leopard gecko 12 pond goldfish 100 + fish (mostly african cichlids) 1 crab 1 dog 2 bettas
  11. This is another picture of my mill and pond. In the spring my pond is home for comets and Ranchu goldfish. They spend the winter in my basement.
  12. This is the mill I built last year for my pond. It stands 30 inches high and took about 2 months to scratch build. I pump water to the mill to make the wheel turn.
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