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Calgary & Area Member
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About Menagerie

  • Birthday 06/28/1977

Menagerie's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Wow!! I hope you give a presentation to the CAS soon -ham-
  2. That's great!! How old are the little ones now?
  3. I've never seen the blue variety, however, these buggers were sold as O golds from a breeder. As for raising the fry~that was taken out of my hands by a hungry S. petricola. That's okay because we are planning a big move and they will spawn again.
  4. Here's where the mother told me to leave her alone!
  5. Actually, I cannot tell the degus apart yet. I'm a bad mommy :cry: but, the cats love them. Here are Squirrel and Josie watching the Degus sleep. My cats are not the brightest crayons in the box
  6. I like small animals, which would explain the large amount of fish I keep that are 3" or under :baby: Here is Saprykin.
  7. Is that what the problem is?!?! To think, I was actually starting to believe the media :boom:
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