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Everything posted by thegrandpoohbah

  1. That tank/stand is gorgeous! Larger pics please!
  2. No, the leaves have to remain out of the water.
  3. Celestial Pearl Danios. Small, peaceful and extremely beautiful. Now if only mine would breed...
  4. Does anyone have a pic of what the Sil-9 looks like? And where do you get it?
  5. What you want is a bristlenose pleco. They max out at 4-6".
  6. Will they fit? From your pic it doesn't look like there is that much room.
  7. Looks really good. Two of these over each row of tanks would do the trick: http://www.mops.ca/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/sk...2f0c+1235065370.
  8. A RES would probably be suitable if your koi are big enough to avoid getting eaten. Though it will depend greatly on your particular turtle's personality. Do yourself a favour and research them thoroughly first. While they are easy to care for, most people don't realize that they require rather large habitats. Here's a good place to start: http://www.redearslider.com. As stated, aquatic turtles are legal to own but illegal to buy/sell in Alberta. I would recommend against feeder goldfish though, they are rather fatty and have little nutritional value. A good quality pellet food would be better and once the turtle reaches 4", green leafy vegetables should make up the bulk of its diet.
  9. Paintball shops usually charge about $5 for a fill. Try Badlands.
  10. Pisces has a few tanks of zebra loaches. I think they were $11.99 each but I can't remember.
  11. An above-tank basking area would allow you to have more room in the tank for swimming. Check out http://www.redearslider.com/forum/ for some ideas.
  12. Either should be fine in your tank as long as you are willing to upgrade as they get bigger. I've got 3 clown loaches in that 50G along with the 4 queens and 1 skunk loach. Everyone gets along fine and I'll be upgrading to a 120G within a year. Also, it doesn't hurt that the clowns are only 1" and there's an XP3 filtering that tank.
  13. I have 4 Queen loaches and they are great. Very active at feeding time but they do like to hide as well. Mine make clicking noises to scare off other fish who threaten to move in on their dinner. I have mine in a 50G and they are 3-4". Time for an upgrade soon. You should be OK for a while but will probably need a bigger tank eventually. Your filtration is more than adequate for a tank that size.
  14. Unfortunately, there are lots of different numbers stamped on the cylinder...
  15. I've got a 20 Oz. paintball CO2 cyclinder here. Where would the CGA # be?
  16. Here's a good article on how to tell them apart if you don't already know how: http://www.thekrib.com/Fish/Algae-Eaters/. A true SAE is not aggressive and will do well in a 33G for quite some time as they are a fairly slow growing fish.
  17. They might, but will they still work in that ancient fixture I have with that ballast & starter combination? How would I go about figuring that out? They are interchangeable. As long as the wattage of the bulb is the same the starter and ballast should be compatible.
  18. T8 and T10 bulbs have the same pin configuration so that should open up some more choices for you.
  19. How often are you priming it and why? I have only primed mine once when first setting it up.
  20. I'm probably the only one with this problem but my Eheim 2215 is WAY louder than my Rena XP2 and XP3 combined. Based on my experience I'd go with Rena but either way you can't go wrong as both are solid filters.
  21. The real question is how long was it in use before that? I believe silicone has a service life of around 10 years, maybe less.
  22. 4 fish in a 10G is WAY too many. I'd seriously re-think that if I were you. Also, it looks a little light on live rock. If that piece is 10.5 lbs then you have room for another 20 lbs or so.
  23. I meant once you put in the stage 3 turbo.
  24. Can the auto tranny handle that kind of power?
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