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Everything posted by t-man

  1. If the cage stays put with out the sponge then it's your sponge that's dirty. I would just put a new sponge in if a rinsing doesn't last long. The water isn't able to flow through it so that's why its pushing everything up! If you have plecos in the tank with driftwood that could be a problem also. Plecos like the Royal pleco knaw at the wood to aid in digestion and it creates havoc on the aquaclear sponges!
  2. Big Al's in Calgary has some green ones and albino.
  3. Scott, is this the same type of Rays I got off you?
  4. Forgot to mention not to use it if you have Stingrays.
  5. Home depot carries white plastic egg crate! I think its 2'x4'.
  6. Used the play sand from home depot and it seems to be fine and I have rays in the tank. Rinsed it in a 5 gallon pail with a garden hose and it doesn't take long at all.
  7. I sold all my fish on Kijiji. I have only sold one on here!!
  8. This is correct. I explained to a LFS that the fish in the tank isn't want they have labeled it. They said they have to label it the same as what comes on the invoice. He explained if they know what the latin name is and it isn't the fish that came in and then they will change it. Example: A fish came in as Paracheirodon innesi which is "neon tetra". The fish that came in was a piranha! So they changed it accordingly. He said lots of fish come in mislabeled due to how many hands it passes through till it gets to the fish store. Just my 2 cents!
  9. Just don't buy online and the problems will stop! Get a good reputable fish store like Gold Aquariums and stay a good customers for years and you will never have a problem! They will order in what you want within reason and always back there livestock and products! But to each his own!! Find what works for you and stick with it!!
  10. Pisces has two in stock a blue motoro and a hystrix. Riverfront has some motoro,flowers and teacup.
  11. Also I don't think you are supposed to start topics like this! That's what the Vendor review is for! Moderators should delete this!
  12. I have been going to Gold's for 20yrs and have bought hundreds of fish and never had problems but I don't buy the tiny fish either! I buy mostly predators,large fish and aggressive cichlids and most part Dennis will replace the fish if it's in the first week and if you can prove you know what you are doing. I know he treats all his fish in his tanks as new ones are always quarantined for a week or so and he won't sell them to you until they are ready. Just check it out when he gets in new Discus! I have only had two problems in 20yrs and that was two Frontosa's packed in the same bag and one of them beat on the other one and it died but Dennis gave me another one. The other problem was a Black Arowana developed a bent spine from either physical damage or bad genetics and Dennis gave me a discount on a new one. Not his fault but still came through for me. But when you have been a loyal customer for 20yrs it tends to have it's perks!! Just my 2 cents!!!!
  13. The problem was probably putting 24 fish into a new tank. Never a good thing!
  14. They had Ghost rider on a bike and it was about 2 feet long with flames and skulls but no spawn or batman. I also have a head of predator I got last year in Mexico ,so I will have to post a pic of it. The guy I talked to is starting to paint them now asked me if my would look good painted and I said yes... But all he had in stock was the predator head painted and I already got that last year.
  15. Everybody that's been to Mexico has probably seen this but I thought I would post a pic of the new fish ornament. It's about 2 feet tall!
  16. :drool: WOW!!! :thumbs: My old Gourami looks like a small one in that monster tank! Now I am jealous as my 450 is nothing compared to that!! Can you come to my house and build one for me? LOL
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