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Everything posted by Kayen

  1. From what i recall you don't. Shoot off a PM to tank.
  2. Zuchinni works too, but i found alot of greens if you blanch them, leave it there overnight it should be crawling with snails in the morning, and just take it out.
  3. In the new tank, i'd be tossing in a bunch of Java ferns, and Anubias for them to live in the time being, as well my filtration system is 2 HOB's and 2 powerheads, i plan to move the 2 powerheads over, as they have well established media, and as of now the fish that remain are a few minnows, and a Gold Gourami (who's survived through alot of bad happenings, Labyrinth fish are quite hardy) .
  4. It's the 33gallon. I'll do a bunch of water changes after i'm home from work tomorrow ! (5ish) . There's this white stringy stuff, and flaky stuff all around, what is it ?
  5. So on Tuesday morning i woke up... realized my DIY CO2 had been siphoned into the tank , about 1 liters worth, fish didn't look happy. Did a WC , 90% , and followed that with another 40% . So far half the tank has died, and the 2 centerpiece Angels have died off, one just having died just a little while ago (couple hours) . What should i do ? I'm thinking tomorrow after work i pick up a cheap 10g, and transfer all the fish into that and let them hang tight. Remaining fish is a few minnows, Gold Gourami, oto, nerite snail, and an SAE.
  6. My emersed tank is sitll going emersed, his tank, i don't know what is going on. Just an update. My tank died off, and then regrew over the dead growth. So virtually no change over a year...
  7. First update in ages. This tank got loaded with crypts. Then, i neglected this tank for ... 6+ months ? Feedings and small (10% wc's every few weeks), no ferts or nothing. Java ferns dying off, and crypts all melted off lately. Lots of mulm and debris around, got around to cleaning tank a bit. Purged most of the stems in there too. Got around to it, headed to Natures Corner today picked up some ferts, and some Prime and got to work. Added another filter in there, and did a big 70% WC. Cell phone pic, so bad quality, sorry .
  8. Looks good, my hc grew big, rotted died. And i sitll haven't done anything haha. Looking forward to pics.
  9. Looks good so far, so any luck grabbing any moss ? Also java moss trees are harder to maintain, as they grow all over , instead of a set direction. I think xmas moss looks the best for trees.
  10. Philippe Oliviera has made a couple nice tanks with moss tree if you want some inspiration. My friend tried emulating it in his custom ( it's in my journal section if you want to take a gander). I would try making a carpet around it, hairgrass and e tenellus would be good choices.
  11. You could always route it to the side and go with a white (wall) background. Also, i think more wood is always welcome. Patrick might have a few really nice pieces left, go see GillsNFins. Looking forward to this . Is it flourite black or normal flourite?
  12. I use a 2L bottle on my 33g. Never an issue with CO2. Heck i'm not getting enough, still need to grab me one of those pressurized dealies one of these days.
  13. yeah topsoil will be plenty of nutrients, just ferts are more needed IMO when one is using plain inert substrate during hte process, and isn't preloaded with tons of goodies. Using ADA aquasoil i don't really need to use ferts on my end on my 7.2g.
  14. I got 2 emersed setups. My 7.2g custom, which a journal can be found in the journals section, but i haven't paid attention to it. As well as a 2.5g with random plants ( anubias, java ferns, e tenellus, more hc, glosso, and some crpyts -> sorry no pics of it at the moment) . Ferts aren't really required if you're using a wellfed substrate.
  15. Nope, those are aquatic, dpending on species i think, because i've seen other tanks with them in there on other forums. As well i acquired some awhile back, but i don't know what happened to it .. (looks towards angels ...) Some scapes on there are just pure ferns and moss, it just takes creative minds to do this stuff, sure equipment makes it look better, but it can be done without. All you need is an open mind !
  16. http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2009...vol=2&id=97 Wow , amazing. That same guy has at least 3-4 other tanks in the competition .
  17. http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2009...e=view-showcase Lots of nice tanks to go through, now that the results are finally released ... I'm trying to look for inspiration for my next tank . Enjoy all!
  18. Devon taunting me with his drawers of ADA Aquasoil. But yeah, no none here in Canada, only a few of us fortunate enough to grab some have some. I barely have enough for a 5 gallon =S lol. Time to start looking for alternatives.
  19. Wow, that's alot of pearling, I am jealous .
  20. Kayen


    My fixture has almost lasted me a year now ... it's been fine.
  21. What a beast ... damn . awefully long time.
  22. Haha, yes! One more going towards ... the ... green side ? I need to try out cichlids one of these days.
  23. There's always cree LED's , if you know your electronics, though it maybe on a pricy scale, and it seems insanely complex, to do , but it should fit .
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