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Everything posted by rayfong

  1. Its an auction with quite a bit of comedy, it may not necessarily make the time go any faster but it keeps you entertained.
  2. The smallest bichir would be the polypterus senegalus, aka senegal bichir, cuvier's bichir. It tops out around 12 inches, less for the albino variety. A good site to check out besides mfk would be www.polypterus.info
  3. Even if you get an anemone, there is still a chance the clown won't host in it. I've seen clowns host in hammer corals, torch corals, even my pair hosted on a rock with some zoanthids. Condyactis anemones are not good for hosting clowns, I think the bubble tips are better. Also keep in mind your anemone will move until it finds its perfect home that it likes.
  4. I picked up two male dragon bettas, Echinodorus sp. 'Frans Stoeffel', a starter culture of vinegar worms, Mangrove killifish, a 5 gallon tank with filter in great condition, 12 gallon antique tank, and christmas moss.
  5. I have my green shrimp in with my alvarezei swordtails, blue tetras and galaxy rasboras. I know they are still there as I do see some of them although I do have a big piece of driftwood in there so there is lots of nooks and crannys in there for the shrimplets to hide out, plus it is heavily planted. But as most of the others say, if it can fit in their mouth it will eat it.
  6. If you want to keep it Tanganyikan, there are Paracyprichromis nigripinnis.
  7. Welcome Doug, the Aquarium Club of Edmonton is having their spring auction on March 20th. There are usually tanks for sale there and definitely cheaper than the LFS.
  8. Gold's, Pisces, Riverfront. I'm sure fishclubgirl can fill you in on some of the other ones. Those are the ones I visit when I make a drive down to Calgary.
  9. I keep cherrys, yellows, greens and blue pearls. I haven't added any salt to any of the tanks that they are in and they are breeding.
  10. Reverse Osmosis. RO water will be close to neutral pH with little hardness. You can use a seachem product called Discus buffer. I use it and I know syno321 also uses it as well.
  11. I keep my yellows, blue pearls, greens, and cherry shrimps all separate. I have tiger shrimp with my cherrys and its difficult to say but I seem to be getting a bunch of tigers with varying degrees of color.
  12. Aulonocaura species would work as well. Only thing is if you want to breed them, keep only one species in the tank or go for all male peacocks.
  13. They get to about 2 feet in length.
  14. It all depends what you keep them with. I have one with other bichirs and larger plecos and silver dollars and it is fine. Key rule is if it fits in its mouth there is a good chance it will get eaten.
  15. I've gotten mine from hobbyists, and Canadian Aquatics for the most part. I've got: green shrimp (corrosionjerry) cherry shrimp (corrosionjerry, Canadian Aquatics, eowynjane) tiger shrimp (Canadian Aquatics) blue pearl shrimp (Canadian Aquatics) yellow shrimp (Igor from Ontario) I hope to increase the types of shrimp I have as well, crystals, blue tigers etc.
  16. Nicklfire is doing a group order for the toolkits on BCaquaria.
  17. I dose as I am filling it, and for the most part I turn off the filters. I also always add water on the opposite side of the water intake.
  18. welcome to the forum, the reason you can't view in the buy/sell forum is that you need a minimum number of posts first.
  19. Cynotilapia afra would be a Lake Malawi mbuna. definitely more aggressive than the west africans
  20. I think the parilus are one of the more passive species, transvestus are more aggressive.
  21. Those are the adults, I feed them exclusively BBS. The adults do eat frozen brine shrimp as well. They would be related. These freshwater pipefish can tolerate a little bit of salt as well. They don't burrow, although they do swim around. Its fun watching them feed, they raise themselves into a vertical position and start sucking away the the BBS.
  22. They should be fine with cherry shrimp, I have two in my 40 gallon tank with green shrimp and smaller tetras and swords.
  23. Here are pictures of the adults. Latin name is Enneacampus ansorgii I believe.
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