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Everything posted by Parachromis1

  1. hey quinn .. got any pics of any of these suppossed spawns????? if i had a cam i would post them and my cell doesnt seem to like my computer. ill upload some pics soon Quinn
  2. lol i shall post a pic soon, the female has hiding spots and i do almost 2 water changes a week. she isnt gravid although she has agressive tendencies towards the male. i bred my make at about 15" in 75 so i dont think tank space is an issue. my male is weird i bought a 215 for him and all he did was stick to one side of the tank for more than a month so i finally got him outta there. Quinn
  3. need a bigger bio load by my standards. and if you have carbon in the tank and rinsed it under tap water, you probably diminished its effect thereby lets algae spores to crazily multply. they can create exact copies of themselves over a 1000 times a day!!!!! more denytrifying bacteria is needed. add some stability to kickstart it Quinn
  4. i definitely agree. as red seam GT's are more commonly than not a a hybrid of an acara. they are very nice, hardy and arent agressive
  5. there is basically no such thing. water changes are neccessary. Quinn
  6. i say that to the pepole who put oscars in a 10 gallon tank,120 is great, also its HITH, and if you keep your oscars water clean they dont get HITH. and oscars can be very very picky about what they eat head and later line erosion lol for a more scientific term. ive had my oscar since i was 8 and hes pushing 17" definitely start with somethin easy tho lol
  7. you need good water with oscars and severums or hlle (hole in head) is a common death of these guys. i would actually say the minimun for a full grown oscar is a 120 gallon. larger cichlids arent too picky on water and will eat just about anything Quinn ps i have alot of "starter C/A's lol
  8. try some geophagus, they are pretty docile and look good and make a great inhabitant in a planted tank, or you could go with C/A cichlids and get a midas, jaguar or something of that sort. Quinn
  9. large pair of jaguars- currently spawning pair of white midas- have fry pair of dovii- attempting do spawn but i need advice lol pair of dempseys- fry silver dollars- keep laying but eat the eggs albino bristle nose plecos Quinn
  10. hi guys and gals, i need a little bit of help/ advice here. i have a pair of dovii that have never bred yet have lived together for over a year now with some agression. they are in a 5ft 120 gallon. the male is about 20" and the female 9". the female is the daughter of the male as the original female died to a nasty bacterial infection. i have an aquaclear 110 and a fluval 405 for filtration. temp is around 80 degrees but i cant get them to breed. help me out!! thanks, Quinn
  11. Wow man that really sucks i feel for you Quinn
  12. where did you get the 5ft 150 gallon? and how much was it? Quinn
  13. it seems to be a nasty internal infection. i had a large pair of terrors get the same thing then it transformed a white mucus substance that ended up killing them. it also happened to a 10" carpinte last week
  14. Anyone got any hits on large clown loaches for cheap? am interested in some more Quinn
  15. lol i checked afterwards so if you consider that cheating. PLUS i bid on one on aquabid lol.
  16. That is one friken sweet fish that ive wanted for a while. got an for sale lol? -Quinn
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