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Everything posted by Parachromis1

  1. It makes them float. And with this condition they never fully recover....anytime the fish will get stressed out it'll puff up like a balloon, it may be hard but I'd put it down. did some research on swim bladder infections and apparently it goes both ways. QUOTE: Symptoms can include: Either floats uncontrollably to the top of the tank, or sinks to the bottom. That's true, but the sinking is often associated with a disease which causes wasting away of the fishes body. I'm just waiting for Jorg's or Neil's 2cents now.
  2. It makes them float. And with this condition they never fully recover....anytime the fish will get stressed out it'll puff up like a balloon, it may be hard but I'd put it down.
  3. I had these for sale a while ago.....my buddy bred a Dovii and his Fh lol.
  4. My fish look good...the red texas was bought from Big Als so its a "real fish".
  5. I've seen that fish for a while, I asked Michael what he's doing with it and he said its a surprise lol.
  6. what kind of lighting is on the tank?
  7. guy,... many of us have seen your fish ... If your fish are a good example of what nls can do.. ill stick to trout chow.. guy,... many of us have seen your fish ... If your fish are a good example of what nls can do.. ill stick to trout chow.. haha that's intense! im not riipping on pimpdoctor.. im just sayin, his fish are stunning because of the species.. not cause of the food So you're saying my fish are sweet but the NLS doesn't do much for em compared to your trout chow? Your fish have mad growth off of that food I noticed, I wouldn't mind trying some on my bass, he's thickened out but won't eat NLS.
  8. Look at the fish it grew up with, yours always seemed to be dominate.
  9. im 100% with you Neil. Comparing growth rate and the coloration of nls and Hikari, I've yielded better results on nls. My fish have superior everything. Dmaan and I grew up a midas from the same batch and his grew up mostly solo in a tank while mine grew up in a large community. His fish was longer than mine but mine was much heavier and thicker bodied. Other foods may offer the best results but nls has yielded the best for me so far.
  10. Check the gaps where the motor/impeller unit attaches to the canister. There are two little holes on each side that when full of water they'll create a syphon and continue to leak.
  11. Personally I'd avoid scallops and krill. I'd go for shrimp or prawns that have no salt content to them. Beefheart is a bad idea period. I read and hybrid told me that silvers get drop eye from too much fat in their diet, and its fat behind the eye. I'd just stick with aro pellets if I were to raise another silver.
  12. If all the fish are around the same size they should be fine. Severums aren't as tough as most other CA/SA Cichlids that are kept in the hobby, so you will need to watch to see if their getting picked on. Firemouths should do well.
  13. Thats not a Green Terror, it looks like a Synspilium crossed with something.
  14. Question everyone, why is that I have a 230 gallon tank, a 90 gallon tank, and a 10 gallon as well as the regular appliances and my power bill is close to $300 a month? Doesn't add up to me.
  15. If you ever print that first picture off in a big size, i'd glady pay a good price for it You have quite the talent with a camera too.
  16. link doesn't work. I don't doubt, its possible.
  17. You're another person who AG has F'ed over in the last little while. I'm sure you'll find your glass though.
  18. Sometimes that just happens with the stocks. Did you ask for specific species or anything? I've had this happen before, but it was because I didn't specify the "stock" I wanted. I wouldn't do business with this person again, and I'd try and find other people who ordered from the same person to see what there fish now look like.
  19. Ditto to above said. How far you go on the glass really doesn't matter all that much, its more for asthetics.
  20. Google is your bestfriend when it comes to fish. Hang around enough and you'll be able to ask the pros too. ALSO, no one really always has the best deal when it comes to tanks and accessories, you need to shop around to find the best deal.
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