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Everything posted by jewels

  1. Is the spring run-off / flooding in my area having an effect on the amount of cholrine concentration flowing from my tap? I am noticing a lovely 'swimming pool smell' even when filling the sink lately. Would this necessitate extra water conditioner ? Am I imagining things ?
  2. jewels

    Help Co2

    CO2 is mostly plant specific. It will get the most attention here. :welcome: I have used those valves before. They are OK for airlines. Not so good for CO2, as what you prevent from continuing downstream is simply vented out through the threads. I have also tried these They leaks as well. Eventualy you will desire a good quality needle valve for every CO2 output. Just to cloud the water with a third option here , , , Let the CO2 blast 24/7 - no harm - no foul.
  3. How is the new water treating you ? I think my water is border line. The mystery snails seemed to crack and chip on me ( I know the constant jumping did not help ) I have seen new growth on Assassin shell appear vitreous. Same dilema ?
  4. , , , No not down the toilette. To flush them out of hiding. I'm starting to figure the less you see the snails the happier they are. I have discovered recently they are a handy bio indicator I started injecting CO2 into a Twenty G. Now, I have over-gassed tanks before, when the CO2 becomes excessive the fish will head to the top. This is also (somewhat) true with shrimp as well. In this case the assassins were the first to complain. Toss those test kits folks. Common sense dictates if you see the Ninja something is askew.
  5. Happy Anniversary !!

    Three years on AA

  6. Good advice considering the short time window. All food will have a shelf life - can I apply this advice to any perspective food purchase ? Would any manufacturer or distributor ( on-line or local ) actually offer this info ?
  7. I had no idea !! So, thats the detached stinger from the ray? Will the ray grow another ?
  8. I have Java loaches and Kuhli loaches - I would say neither eats ( or significantly affects the population of )snails. Before you condemn the assasins , , , @ lights out, toss a chunk of dead something in there. By morning you will know if their are in fact assasins in there.
  9. I think the caution lies in the Nitrogen source. Urea is said to be no good for planted tanks
  10. Thats what I would have done. Hey, you did read the article I sent 'ya :thumbs: I would just keep sneaking up the KNO3. Remember the little bluegreen corpes will hang around - even after they have stopped blooming
  11. Tetras can be nasty in their own right - perhaps they are meant for each other! Fry can be sexed after a month. Ignore the tail - if there is a lobe on the fin , , ,its a male OHH, NO ,NO not a big pond. This is something even an apartment dweller could indulge in. If you think it looks like an old laundry sink your right. There is a 'Subterranean sump' under there and it is mostly in the shade. This keeps the temps fairly even. I have kept them out well into October before. But the fish are happy
  12. I like my Amecas. They are Goodies. Your trio will do well in a 20. What else is in there? One has no trouble finding out their "bad" points. I will share some of the "goods" Foremost, this fish is unequalled in robustness. If you manage to get it all wrong - they will forgive you. Mine have survived short stints under 10 C and also periods up to 40 C. The streams in Jalisco are low flow and high altitude, and as such temp. flucs. are the norm , , , no need to heat the tank. Although they are primarily vegatarian they will eat just about everything; excluding fry. This is a golden attribute for any fish. In a community, parents (and non-parents alike) even disregard fry of other fish. I have heard however that they will eat shrimp - but hey - who doesn't ? Other dietary observations should include their constant pecking. They actively rasp evrything in the aquarium, non-stop ! This helps turn the substrate and dislodge algae. They WILL eat BGA. I summer mine in an outdoor pond. If I stuff it with plants the Amecas will thrive and breed without feeding. Feel free to post as many questions as you like , , , I could speak Ameca all day. :smokey: Parting shot - change the water @ least once a week - that alone will double the overall eventual size. Soon you will see this. And the result ( with trophotaenia )
  13. Best advice in the entire thread. :thumbs: Does Shultz's Aquatic plant soil harbour, induce, produce, or promote Ammonia ? I could be wrong; but I do not think so. Before you do ANYTHING drastic - - swish some around a cup and test it in the morning. I am using that product in most of my set-ups. It is no different that AP.com soil, Turface, or even kitty litter for that matter. I suspect it is simply a case of hypertachycardia. Again ; I could be wrong. And I do enjoy being wrong, its more convient most of the time.
  14. I do not recall ever getting one back over 1000 psi. So I am thinking -- its about right. Tank cylinder temp can push the pressure around a bit.
  15. jewels

    3.5G Planted

    3.5 G = 13 1/4litres Filter is 1.3 L & @ 10% is on the nose. Adhereing to the same mentality on a 20 would dictate - Two Gallons (thats a hefty HOB) Not that I advocate or literally utilize these methods. As we admire these prominent designers we begin to see recurance within aspects of the set-ups. Filter selection, turnover rates, media regiments, hardware placement, choices in substrate ( and their inherent additives ). Their work is closely followed. I have even seen light intensity plotted out on X and Y axis to show the relation to display size. We are romanced by their success and as a retail extension we have access to products that can help to duplicate the results. There is wisdom in their ways and some interesting science in what they have to offer. Due to the epicentres location it has become vougue to include as many A's as possible. This helps assure everyone the product is cutting edge. I try not to get to caught up in it. There are groups to high above to see what we are up to. They can scorn us if we step out of line. That my friend is the insidious heart of the HPTA.
  16. jewels

    3.5G Planted

    Visually - the more wood the better. It makes for great contrast and helps set the mood. Within the constraints of that footprint however, it may wreak havoc on the weather. Not so much on the right, yet the left is irrefutably shaded. This will only be of benefit the moss. You can love that moss to death in a high tech tank. I am thinking about the eventual flow of water throughout the circut. You have followed the HPTA norm of designating @ least 10% filter / display ratio. That school of thought also supports intense linear channeling of water. Regard one pays for every scintillated toot of C02 exiting that diffusser. Treasure it . Love that CO2 You have gobbled up a high pecentage of floorspace. Sneak it away from the back glass if you can bear to do so. It is your mission to grind every bubble against every last leaf in that aqurium. When complete it may scrub the glass as well. Fail that and your further ahead blowing bubbles in the bathtub.
  17. I have been reading about many different sump configurations. I have noticed there seems to be a movement away from media in the sump. As I understand it the idea is "higher flow volumes to keep the pasrticulate matter in suspension " , , , until when? Is the monster protien skimmer responsible for reduction ? Or is that a seperate chapter?
  18. What a lovely display, Those pads are fantastic; I have never seen a 8-bit digital plant before !! Perhaps these could be related ?
  19. Well it looks like we " missed the boat " in Panoka PDF here "Switching from an underground aquifer to the new surface watersource will mean some significant differences in the water flowing from your household faucets" According to this pdf Stettler had the softest stuff. This number cannot be justified drawing from the Red Deer. I now wonder where Wetaskwin draws from ? The above document is accurate for Calgary North ( potentialy 30% softer than Calgary south ) as seen here. @ the bottom. Although I am not totaly convinced. It mentions Medicine water @ 90 ppm and that seems low. It also states Bow Island has almost 4500 houseolds. If you have ever been there you know thats not true !! Cation may be exercised when looking @ the source. Water leaving the treatment plant may be twice as soft as the source water. As seen here Some dry reading there; although I did learn something on page # two "Chlorine removal agents that are not specifically designed to also remove chloramines could leave excess ammonia in the water and harm fish." Yeah , , OK ,, slow day @ work today. If your having the same day as I, Give this a read Interesting stuff :thumbs:
  20. The blog "Lighting The Fluval Ebi features a 13 watt daylight compact fluorescent light, which is shielded by the plastic cover on the top of the aquarium. The light will support ample live plant growth of low to mid light plants" Appears to slim - doesn't look like the cfl's you would buy @ the dollar store. Perhaps the dangling bulb was 'shopped' out?
  21. CONS . . C02 cartidges are disposable. surface area to volume ratio is askew PROS beautiful !!
  22. Every experiment needs a control. Refilling with a bucket or hose? :well: Is it simply cloudy water ?
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