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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Hello I am looking for Regan I dont know what his username is anymore.... with time comes memory loss. He has been watching over my Petrochromis for quite some time now and I would love to relive him from his duties IF ANYONE KNOWS HIS WHERE ABOUTS OR HOW TO CONTACT HIM PLEASE LET ME KNOW OR PASS THE MESSAGE ON TO HIM Thank You
  2. lost in transition

  3. Yes bettas are very important, they keep ecosytems thriving in puddles. Sorry but I couldn't help it. Your the expert in bettas so please spend some more time in the spot light as I sit back in amazment as to how outstanding your stock are and the lenght that you go to and have been through to achieve what you have now. Hot sun. . . Ya sure it's winter here, I'm a couple hundred km from the snowy mountains but I'm in a near by mountain pass that is chilly and rainy. Last night I had a wool long sleave, thermo sweater, a big wool sweater and a coat on under my down sleeping bag. Brrrrr! With the cold air from the mountains the humitity from from ocean and gusts of wind over power the sun that shines between noon and 4:30pm I am literally wrapped in mountains so the sun is easily lost and leaving us in shade as the temp sloly drops through the night. It may also help to know I'm camping so other that my tent I have no other protection. I love it through I would stay for ever if I could. The beauty blows me away regular basis
  4. Hey guys Im in Kastraki at the time in the meteora. right in the middle of tim-buck-two of Greece. It is amazing and beautiful tonight is chilly but for the most part the weather has been friendly. I thought I would say hello and see how everything has been going. I havent seen many tanks but the ones I have seen have been fairly generic. I will make sure to let you all know when I find something outstanding or different. Thanks to everyone for all your help prior to me taking off. I would not of been able to experience this without your help. you all know who you are and I will have no need to make a list. lol. Enjoy your winter. I heard that it has been blasting cold and mass anounts of snow dont be jelious. I will soon reach the winter regions and it wont be easy Thanks
  5. I wrote an article for the CAS on every specific step on how to build one. I will see how I could post it on here for you to read. I am on the other side of the world in greece so It will take some time to get this done. Good Luck I enjoyed it and have made many of them from 10 g to 135g
  6. Callie

    fx5 media

    I think that it is to expensive to place specific filter media into the filter ie. FX5 media into a FX5 filter. All I do is pick up a couple big bags of polyester wool and stuff it into the site baskets, the tops and then place bio rings and seachem purigen into the baskets. This is what I do for all of my filters. It is cheap and works perfect. As for the polyester wool I always reuse it. It takes some time to rinse the gunk out but it always come clean and can hold a ton of mechanical waste.
  7. Hey, I had green water in a couple of my tanks last year, I got it during early spring when the sun would rise it would hit my tanks for several hours, oddly enough my tanks were no where close to a window. The sun hit them at just the perfect angle. Anyways.... my solution When I had it in my 67 it got progressively worse everyday until I could not see any living thing other than the algae, I tried water changes, treatments, mechanical and chemical filter flips or alterations. Nothing.... I ended up buy a UV sterilizer for the tank, this worked like magic. when I ended up getting it in my 112 the 67 was at its peak. So my thinking is that it may of spread from one tank to another. Either way I found a new solution that saved me money. I ended up doing a water change everyday for about 1 month, during that time I did not see any difference in the water, then one morning I woke up and my tank was completely clear, all gone. This can work for most tanks as long as your fish can handle a decent size water change everyday. If not maybe do smaller ones over a longer course of time. My conclusions have come to....wait for it, haha! It is not the removal of the mechanical material in the water you need to remove the nutrients from the water that the green water (algae) survives off of. This solution should work because when I tested my water for ammonia etc. everything was safe as is yours. During this time my fish were still happy, eating and thriving so have no fear green water is here. MOST cases algae will not harm your livestock, fish actually like green water, some fish live in it, and believe it or not people sometimes buy green water to raise fry. Its the humans that despise it. Good Luck
  8. If worst comes to worst you could put them in a deep pail not to full of water to prevent them from jumping out of the tank, then just add an airstone and change then water everyday or two. This should be okay for killies considering they live in muck puddles for up to six months in the wild. I have kept killis before and there aggression varies between species. Most of them will eat other fish if they have the chance (live food is there diet) or feel threatened. I kept my Golden Wonder, Night Gobbies and Peacock gobbies together and they were fine until my overly large golden had a opportunity to swallow my peacock gobbie when she was off her guard. As for killies and rainbows, make sure the rainbows are full grown and the killies are full grown that way they wont eat one another. Rainbows are notorious for eating eggs, fry and juvenile fish, and if overly hungry they will eat larger fish. I have had my rainbows eat my full grown furcatas because they hadn't been fed in a couple days
  9. I am looking for them to be taken into a home
  10. Hi I was wondering if there was anyone out there that could do some fish sitting for me. I am leaving for 8 months on Nov. 1 . 09 I will be back around the end of June or beginning of July. I understand that this is a long time for someone to be watching my fish, but Im sure there are people out there that feel the same way about not being able to give up some species that they worked so hard to get or busted there back to take care of. Im just a broke kid that found sanity through taking care of fish, and now Im leaving to visit my sister on the other side of the world. All Im asking is a favor. I assume when I return I can do something in exchange for you, but right now Im just reaching out for help. Tank: 120G 4Ft x 2Ft with 2 Wild caught Petrochromis Texas Reds, 6 juvanile F1 Petrochromis Texas Reds, and 3 Lamp. Ocellatus Purple. NOTE- I need some one that knows how to handle killer... no joke... Tanganyikan cichlids and agressive shell dwellers. Experience is needed. These are my personal prize stock. I will supply everything that is needed, which includes food, water conditioner, 2 canister filters, a couple extra light bulbs, and some misc. things like shells for when they eventually all get busted. right now Im pulling a blank as to what else i should be supplying so if your wondering about something in particular let me know Thanks Callie M
  11. Have you checked behind your door. Sorry, thats were I found my loach after he disappeared for a week Sometimes they jump out even through the smallest openings. so you might want to check around or behind your tank. Sometimes they burry themselves in sand and poke there faces out where they cant be seen. Or if he died in your tank it doesnt take long for bodies to disintegrate sometimes even 24 hours or less. Good Luck
  12. Good luck with the spawning. Your enthusiasm always makes me chuckle. Thanks for your help this weekend
  13. I could help you out if you still need it. PM
  14. I Think that they are great, I bought mine second hand and it runs like new. CON: Needs to been cleaned more regularly then most canisters... This also depending on whether you have a planted tank, number of fish etc. But really what's 10 minutes in return for a well cycled tank clear tank. CON: Expensive, I suggest buying second hand every once and a while people post them for a couple hundred. Be patient it will turn up. CON: When the filter is full of mechanical waste etc. The power of the filter will eventually blow the gunk back into your tank and no longer hold any more material. Solution Water change 20 min. Clean filter 10 min. CONCLUSION: None of these are that big of a deal, they have to be taken care of any ways. DANGERS: The clips may unhook. DANGERS: If the drain valve loosens or is not put on properly it will siphon your tank. PROS: Quiet PROS: Turns off to release air bubbles: Saves you a pain in the arse. PROS: Lots of GPH, steady flow, clears a tank of substrate cloudiness quickly PROS: A sponge can be put into the intake to prevent fry and unwanted gunk from being sucked up. PROS: Tons of media diversity. I used my square sponges from my XP3 in the center round pieces, and put polyester wool along all the side baskets. PROS: Outtake is convenient there are two heads and you can move them up down and side to side PROS: I CAN KEEP GOING. THEY WORK WELL AND CLEAN YOUR TANK
  15. Callie

    Dead Fry

    I have had some fry die when my female spit out the babies and that is usually caused by a few things, First some fish are bad parents at first especially if they are to young and only have held a few times. Another reason they could be bad parents is they have been stripped to many times when they were young (if you have an older female). Bad parenting usually consists of eating to much which in turn will crush the fry and putting things in there mouth while holding. Sometimes the females wont tumble there babies often enough, or doesnt know how to tumble and accidently kills them. Or she simply held the babies to long and they all starved to death. Sometimes while picking up eggs she may have picked up a pebble and that killed them in the tumbling process. If another fish is trying to strip her she may accidently or crushed them while fighting. Sometimes a change in PH or temp could kill them especially if it happens when the fry have just finished being developed. It could be for a number of reasons, but these are all of the reasons why I have had fry die over the years.
  16. Why dont I have permission to post on the buy and sell? Can you take a look
  17. I had a bad run with hair algae last year i would suggest picking a up a small container of Rowa phosphate remover it was the only thing that I found to work. Most suckers and algae eaters wont touch that stuff. When I used it there was little impact on my plants and it quickly removed the algae after I took the stuff out new algae grew. My tank went into slight shock I ended up adding and removing the media for a few months before my tank stabled out and havent had it come back. I would suggest a small container because all you need, if I remember correctly is 1g for every 10Gallons (something like that). Another suggestion is your lighting. In another tank I had I landed myself with excessive red hair algae, after some research I found out that UV light bulbs (not sterilizers) cause hair algae. This has been proven true because I took down that 5' tank bleached it out and left it down for a few months and just started it back up a month ago new substrate etc. after 2 weeks that algae came back. I guess I find out soon enough if my new bulbs make a difference.
  18. I had goldfish with plants and the longest they lasted was a week, most are eaten within a day or two. Goldfish do well with fast growing surface plants they will nibble on it but it wont be noticable
  19. They are yellow jakes (peacocks), these guys are just over six months and every couple weeks they tend to hold/show more color. One of them has been showing a lot of purple/blue on his side. For the longest time i thought these two boys were females because they were small and had colors of the females. It has only been in the last two months these guys have been showing color. Previously I had a Gome and a stuart. and after I took my Gome out one yellow jake stepped up, but then came competition between the two. Once the stuart. was gone they just blossomed
  20. Thanks degrassi, Im glad you like them. the one in the furthest back looks about the same size in the photo but he is a good inch and a half smaller then the other 3. The front three are huge not only in length (approx 5 1/2") but there bodies are really deep (approx 2 1/2"). I think that is because they are 100% pure breds. I have seen and had a few different lines of them and They never seemed to get as big and some varied in the fin tone and head color. When my friend offered these 3 boys to me I couldnt believe it, it was to good to be true. The happiness that ran through me was so overwhelming, all i could say was thank you.
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