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Everything posted by jonnytens

  1. where do you get the potash and the dolamite, i think i'm going to try this
  2. some things work well in cool water like most shrimp, whitecloud minnows, zebra danios. check this link out http://aqualandpetsplus.com/Misc%20Cool%20Water%20Fish.htm
  3. not really , i have it in my african tank and have a couple o f large air stones going with 2 AQUACLEAR 110's and never really have to vacuum the bottom, there is enough water movement to keep it suspended so my filters can catch it. with sand the waste etc usually just sits on top so if you have no dead spots in your tank the filters will keep it clean. At least this is my experience
  4. msobos have a similar coloring and have yelowish females, maybe thats who you saw
  5. I personally wouldn't mix tanganyikans with the mbuna , I would just get more mbuna. Maybe a few more yellow labs and some of the folowing: red zebras, mainganos, hongi's, demasoni's, polits the list goes on. It's up to you.
  6. the ecosphere is pretty cool, here's the link http://www.eco-sphere.com/home.htm
  7. Most people i know overstock their african tanks, it is a personal choice though. here is an article from cichlid forum http://www.cichlidforum.com/articles/why_a...an_cichlids.php
  8. before I upgraded to the 110 i had a 55 gallon tank with probably 35 plus mbuna in it, it had 2 aquaclear 70's on it. I ran it like that for 2 years with no problems. I use just the foam and pack the rest of the AQ with ceramic rings for extra biological filtration, and run air stones to keep the waste suspended so the filters can catch it. again this tank was great to watch and full of activity.
  9. How many gallons is the tank? When it comes to africans the word overstock really means OVERSTOCK, in nature mbuna are foud in very high concentrations, in my 110 for example i have around 70 fish, as long as you overfilter your tank and do regular water changes you are fine. Your 10 fish doesn't sound overstocked at all , i don't know how many gallons it is but i would at least double the number of fish. My tank has tons of caves and hiding spots but is a zoo of activity and fish swimming everywhere.
  10. Cleaned it all out and still making a ticking noise like the impller is hitting the housing
  11. My aquaclear 110 is making a clicking sound from the impeller area, it is relatively new, do i need a new impeller already?
  12. How many fish do you have in the tank? If you don't have too many you could always add some more fish. I have a 110gallon mbuna tank and my fish are always swimming around but I also believe in overstocking mbuna tanks to reduce aggression. Also i find my red zebras to be the most active swimmers, maybe you should try getting some. Just my 2 cents.
  13. I keep them together with out issue ACARICHTHYS HECKELII, how many could I keep or what number is best for a 75 gallon and with how many angels and other fish. What I am looking for is a tank stocking plan. 75 gallon tank x number of ACARICHTHYS HECKELII x number of angels x of other fish Thanks
  14. How would angels get along with ACARICHTHYS HECKELII?
  15. I was thinking of making an amazon biotope tank with Angelfish as the centerpiece fish, what other fish would be natural tankmates for the angels. Thanks, Jon
  16. Is there anything available locally that anyone knows of?
  17. I have a very small surface scratch on my tank (glass). Is there any technique out there to buff them out or whatever is may be. If you know let me know. Jon
  18. What is the rule for stocking tangs? Do you overstock like mbuna or give them more space?
  19. How about this http://www.theaquariumshop.com.au/shopexd....over+Resin+150g
  20. My tangs seem to hang around the rocks and caves in my tank quite a lot, rarely swimming out in the open water. Is there a tanganyikan fish that swims in the top half of the tank that might encourage the rest to do so? List of fish in tank in my sig. Thanks. Jon
  21. I was wondering what experience's people have had with keeping a group of red empress' (or other similar fish) with a bunch of mbuna (list of what of have in sig). I know it's not recomended but I have heard of many people doing with no problems. Let me know. Jon
  22. I had cardinals once and though they are very nice I found them to be very boring , all they did in my 20 gallon was hang around the bottom never forming a school and swim around the tank. Plus I found they to be a very delicate tetra and eventually lost them all. Right now I keep lemon tetras, long fin serpae tertas, congo tetras, black phantom tetras, red/blue columbian tetras all of which except the congos and cloumbians are good for a 10 gallon (congo's are my favorite but get too big for a 10 as do the columbians). Some people have problems with serpae's nipping fins but if you keep 6 or more you should be fine. I also keep long fin white cloud mountain minnows which are nice and cherry barbs are great as well, they are very peaceful and the males have an amazing red color. Don't be fooled by the look of cherry barbs in the pet store where they look really bland, because they really color up when you get them home. Hope this helps. here are a few pics I found on the internet
  23. I did the exact thing you are talking about 3 weeks ago. Top trim was leaking on a 33 gallon , the silicone was barely holding it on so I just popped it off drained half of the water out and siliconed it back in place. I waited 3 days (just to be sure) then refilled. Had no problems whatsoever.
  24. I like the tetra whisper air pumps, they seem pretty quiet to me and I've never had a problem with them. Plus you can get them at walmart for cheap.
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