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Everything posted by Wackinator

  1. lol yeah the ones I have are from the dollar store, but the packs normally have more small ones and a couple big ones. But then again Ive only looked at one dollarstore.
  2. lol sweet, now I just gotta find someone that eats escargot in calgary and doesnt mind sparing some shells =D you just boil them right? Thanks
  3. lol the only seafood that makes my mouth water is shrimp, but on a related topic, could you use escargot shells for shell dwellers?
  4. Thanks nyb440, but yeah I wasnt going to put it in my main tank ever, but was thinking of trying it out in a small 3-5 gallon tank just out of curiosity with shrimps and guppy fries. But thanks again. Here is my understanding. You need a fair amount of water movement, that is unfiltered, in order to help the filter feeders filter feed. If you don't have this feeding can be an issue. You need to make sure in this moving water you have the microscopic critters they need to eat. As for your other question, not having seen the video, think the need for more mussels or mucas and stuff they filtered but did not eat. Thanks T-Dawg, yeah what you said does make sense, and yeah that video was nasty, it definitely threw me away from that idea lol. Thanks Fishclubgirl, and yeah I did have a tank crash, but the mussels were something I wanted to try in a seperate tank just to see what happens kinda thing but thanks for your advice, me always trying to get ahead of myself has screwed me over more times than I can remember. Thanks again
  5. lol thanks Jvision Jlake and trav for all your help, I am still curious what to feed it and yeah I dont think I should get one because the last thing I need is another wiped out tank, but what is the foamy white stuff that they release, I was seeing some on youtube and personally found it disgusting, if I saw that in my tank I would be intensly grossed out thanks again
  6. Woahh I forgot one major issue, compatability, can it harm fish? I want to put it in a tank with shrimps after I test to see if its lives or dies. Would that work?
  7. LOL I've never had one, and probably never will, but after all my schoolwork I will try this, I might be able to get some on Monday.
  8. sweet, cuz I dont want to have them die and have an ammonia spike >.> Ill probably search up how to setup a tank for them and then try them in a bucket or something, but what do I feed them? Do I have to feed them anything? or will they survive on microscopic organisms if I transfer some water from other tanks? Thanks JLake
  9. Good point, if I knew how to tell if they were alive or not, I might buy a group and test it
  10. what about the clams or mussels that they sell at superstore? I was there the other day and you could see some of the clams had the filter straw things coming out of them.
  11. Yesterday I had a quiz in Biology 30 about populations and genetics and unfortunately the 4th question I think was about Zebra Mussesl, which got me thinking (throughout the whole test) can you keep mussels or clams in the tank? Arent they supposed to be great filters? I tried searching online and found conflicting information, some say they are amazing and some say no, the people that say no say the biggest problem is feeding them? I know this is most likely a stupid idea, but I asked out of curiosity, I was just curious if adding a couple of clams/mussels to a 5 gallon would improve its filtration? Thanks guys
  12. Maybe thats whats the guy said it was lol lol its possible, its a danio for sure, but I'm willing to bet my brother than its not a zebra. Well if your brother old enough and cute i might take that bet LOL just kidding LMAO nope just a 15 year old kid xD
  13. :w00t: amazing fish, 1st and 3rd last pictures are favorite though. Like Vallisneria said its the blue! If I had a tank like that, I would never leave the house.
  14. Maybe thats whats the guy said it was lol lol its possible, its a danio for sure, but I'm willing to bet my brother than its not a zebra.
  15. :welcome: to AA For sure thats not a Zebra Danio, I'm no expert but I think it might be a giant danio.
  16. LOL nice one >.> cant even think of a reply lol :poo:
  17. :welcome: Welcome to AA :welcome: As someone whose biggest tank is a 20 gallon, I envy everyone that has african cichlids lol Amazing tank and fish though!!! :thumbs:
  18. Thank you and I have 3 more bettas, females though I dont know if I will keep them or not, I had planned to breed the bettas but maybe I just dont have the room for bettas right now. I am looking into buying purebred guppies so I might sell the bettas to help getting them instead. Thank you
  19. Thanks Fishclubgirl, I did all that to my best, I had no clue where to find Indian Almond Leaf except for ebay, but he died :cry: he was my favorite fish.
  20. Thanks for your kind words tinkerpuppet, it does suck lol, and in the bucket I went to sleep expecting to only wake up with the guppy and platy alive, I woke up to the opposite, and just an hour ago I lost my male betta, so the only survivors are the 3 female bettas. Thanks again
  21. Thanks CgyBettaGuy and yeah I only have a couple of tanks but have been in this hobby for the 7-8 years so since I was 9-10. The tank was a new setup but most of the initial water was taken over series of water changes from the 10 gallon that has been running for around a year I think and from my friend's 55 gallon which I have no clue as to how long it was running but it's at least also a year old. Then the filter I have been using has been in continuous use, the 20 gallon was almost constantly holding something and for the brief time it wasnt, the filter was also in the 10 gallon, so its established. The tank was started I think from March 1st or 2nd with the original pair of platies, then the bettas went it later and then the Albino Bristle Nose Plecos on the Edmonton auction day, and then the 12 platies and the guppies. Considering that the water was from 2 different established tanks, and the filter media was also established I think it was fine but if Im wrong please let me know. And no I didnt do any reading on ammonia, I dont have a test kit so I have never tested for anything other than pH, I guess I should add that to one of the things I will be getting in the near future. And when I cleaned the white stuff off, I just sort of got as much of it as I could on the net and just disposed of it in the washroom so no cleaner kind of thing got added, I didnt even think of that because I think it would have done same damage soon after if not straight away. Thanks again
  22. Thanks T Dawg, the link was useful and I dont have a heater in with him but I am putting him in warm water. I have also added some salt, so I guess all I can do now is hope he makes it. Thanks again.
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