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Everything posted by Wackinator

  1. Thanks for your reply BettaFishMommy and okay I wont go with melafix then, and he is not continuously swimming, he just floats at the top of the water, I will put in a plant of or something, he is in a 2L container right now and I have been doing 100% water changes, I might put him in a 5 gallon bucket tmr but I think that would make it harder for him to get food. I have read that if he is just floating and cant go underwater then it probably is his swim bladder, is that true? Thank you for your help and luck, I hope he either gets better or passes away because its really hard to see him this way.
  2. Thanks BetaVishVish but I guess I should have made it clear why its sick too, I dont know what happened but my 20 gallon died almost overnight, the bettas are the only survivors, some say that its because of the DIY CO2, the mixture might have gotten in the water and some say that its because of overcrowding but tomorrow I will get melafix and try it on my betta. Thanks again!
  3. My favorite fish, a male crowntail betta is swimming on its side for the last couple of day, I know nothing about diseases and the last time I had a fish do this was 4-5 years ago and everytime it happened I lost all my fish, I really dont want to lose this betta and he seems to be trying his best to swim around but he can only go in the circumference of the bowl he is in right now. I read online and didnt find much but did read that salt and the inside of peas might help so I will try all those. Does anyone know what this is? What can I do? I dont like seeing him in the pain he looks like he is in, continuously trying to swim and failing if he doesnt get better in a couple of days I might have to stick him in the freezer so that he doesn't suffer for long :cry: any help?
  4. Thanks JLake! hmm I didn't think of that, but I have had good luck with guppies every time I tried, even if they are not as hardy, they shouldn't be extremely delicate but I will inquire about that. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Shai for your reply but no the stock list was updated when I added the 12 platies, so the total amount of platies in there was 14. I know that Plecos are poo factories (I didn't know of the snails), but I was doing water changes twice a week, I had thought that would keep the bio load at a safe level. The water was always topped off with aged and dechlorinated water, so I didnt even think of the tank being overstocked. I know you said that the size of the Bristlenose doesnt matter but they were around 1" and I had many people confirm that they would be okay if I did frequent water changes. I have had a lot of different opinions about the bettas but I guess I should have put a video or something of them on, I know bettas dont school but these did, they would always stay within in an inch of each other and 90% of the time you would see them together. I didn't see any problems with them being together and the breeder I got them from had years of experience and she had also kept them together. Thanks though for your opinion Yeah sorry I should have deleted the angelfish and the mollies part from the thread. I went to get more platies as I had made up my mind against the angelfish and mollies. But thanks again!
  6. Thanks Kronosdelsol and yeah I didn't read this reply before leaving but i had put in an airstone in the bucket before I left, and I wish I had read up more on CO2 earlier because if that is what happened, I could have saved some of my fish. and no my multies are in their own little 10 gallon, which luckily has been running perfectly. Thank you Thanks Ishkabod, I am really mad at myself for not doing the double bottle system and not adding a checkvalve =[ but yeah the bettas succumbed to it as well so I dont know, The bettas are the only survivors right now and none of them look too good, I wouldnt bet money on their survival. I dont think that the yeast went in the tank because theres atleast 2 inches between the mixture and the opening of the pipe. as for the what you thought, I was always jealous of the planted tank as well which is why I attempted this lol, and as for the planting yeah I didnt have any midground or foreground plants and was running short of money so I had to do with what I had, I wanted mine to be artistic and a pleasure to the eye lol and I must have looked at hundreds of planted tanks online but I couldnt figure out how they made theirs look so perfect and no matter what I did, mine looked like crap. Thank you Thanks again Kronosdelsol, I know that getting upset by it isnt going to change anything, right now I am reading online about what to do to help my bettas get better, anything to increase their chances. I know that a lot of people have had far worse tragedies strike their tanks but this is the biggest one thats happened to me, so it is discouraging but I will try again. Thank you
  7. lol a strange reason, I dont really mind albinos, sometimes I'm indifferent but thanks =]
  8. iunno wtf happened, everything seemed fine last night and this morning I have been dishing out dead fish all morning, all the Albino BN are dead, and around 10 platies. I dished out the remaining survivors and they are in a huge bucket right now but I dont think they are going to make it, they are all swimming funny and I almost think I should put them all in the freezer to end this life, cuz they are all switching back and forth between swimming normally and then passing out almost, they float around until I tap the bucket or they come into contact with each other then start swimming again :cry: the whole tank is ruined as I had to go through all the plants to get the dead bodies I have to go out soon and probably wont be back before 6-7, and the only fish I think that might be alive by the time I get back is the female guppy :cry:
  9. Thanks Robin, and in all honesty I do like the second one a little bit more, Im having an internal fight over this which is why I posted it here lol, hoping for some help :pff:
  10. yeah your the 2nd person to vote for that one, but ill wait to see if more ppl vote lol Thanks though
  11. I have a serious question to ask, I cant decide which one of these strains look the best, so if people could just mention which one they like the best and why that would be highly appreciated Option 1 Option 2
  12. LOL yeah $20 for a bloodline you already own isnt the best thing to get but guppies can go for a lot sometimes, I did see a lot of people who were interested in guppies at the calgary auction, they were only assorted and they went for a fair price I thought so maybe there will be demand for them at the auction? but thanks Wingin' It
  13. Yeah I agree that colour is really important and I agree that the offsprings of even a pure strain can be disappointing if you have your heart set on a specific one but I think it might be worth a try lol. Hopefully more will be interested but I think I do plan on going through with it =] Thanks Thanks Jvision, and I will try ebay but I am not really expecting anything out of there, I was hoping for local like Calgary and Edmonton, Guppies are an easy enough fish to make room for but the fact that they reproduce so fast pushes some people away from it. I don't know if I can produce wholesale amounts, because I am only starting out with a trio, I can only get 20-60 fries per month, who knows how many after all the culling. But I am interested in the stores that you mention will buy from local breeders, for both calgary and edmonton if you dont mind sharing lol. Thanks
  14. lol I didn't think of that, If I knew how to ship fish I could ship around here in Canada. Thanks for that idea though I probably wont post them on aquabid as I dont want to take away from the original seller lol.
  15. thanks for the quick reply and yeah Ill try to silicone up the leak sunday/monday which is when I plan on changing the mixture, the fixture I am using is an incandescent with 2 15 watts 6500K CFL bulbs, the bulbs are supposed to be equivalent to 60W each, I dont know if that makes a difference or not, but all the plants seem to be doing good in there.
  16. Hey I really dont know which section to post this under because my question is about the value and costs of purebred guppies. I really want to keep and maintain a purebred strain but they are pretty expensive so my question was this: I want to be able to break even to cover the costs in a few months by selling their offspring, is it possible? I know that fish keeping isnt about making a profit, and we have all heard of stories of people trying and failing miserably but is there any demand for purebred guppies, will petstores take them for the same as a normal guppy or would I have any luck with people on this forum? The fish I want are these ones and lets say I get 2 pairs for around $100, them breeding and raising the babies to a selling size and then selling them for 5 or 10 bucks, would I end up making up the 100 bucks I spent? Thanks in advance guys
  17. yeah lol the stem plants and really? so I shouldnt be worried about the extra roots, I thought the plant might be growing roots cuz its not getting enough nutrients or fertilizers. But your theory does make sense lol. I plan on fertilizing every month every 2 weeks but I dont know anything about carbon, I shall read up on it when I get the chance. The costs dont sound that bad and I cant decide which fertilizer would be better and cheaper, dry or liquid, Im hoping that somebody on here can guide me on that and as for CO2 I got a DIY 2L bottle running, its got a leak in there somewhere but it bubbles like crazy when I shake it, Ill try to fix the leak the next time I change it. Thanks
  18. Thanks Cgy_Betta_Guy for your confirmation I had a question about plants now, I noticed that plants are growing too many roots even as far high as a couple of inches from the top, does this mean that they need fertilizers or nutrients? I havent added anything so the water so far but do plan on doing it soon. Are fertilizers expensive?
  19. Luckily I havent seen any of my bettas fighting, Ive seen one lose to my guppy a couple years back lol, but I have seen some fights online. I dont mean to sound like Im being ignorant and not taking your advice, there is a tank all set up and I check on my fish quite a lot because its in my room, but the thing is that the male seems really friendly and not like other males Ive seen, and we all know different bettas have different personalities and I think I got off lucky with this bunch. The person I got these bettas off is a breeder that I talked to for a long time and she seemed to know a lot about bettas and she had been keeping these 4 together since they were fries without a single problem, I myself havent noticed any problems at all. I dont want to sound like I am being ignorant and like Ive said many times, I have a back up and everything but I'd rather just try to see if this ends up working out or not.
  20. Tank looks amazing! When do the rainbow fish go in?
  21. Oh forgot to mention that I added 12 more platies and a lone female guppy to the tank today, tank seems a little more active even though the platies like to stay at the back more than anything.
  22. Thanks bettafishmommy and I was worried of the same thing which is why I kept an eye on the tank for well over a week before I relaxed and I think theres a chance of problems when the male matures a bit more but I dont expect anything fatal as they are all the same size and I would be afraid of the male getting his fins kicked by the crowntail/halfmoon cross lol but thanks
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